The Bigger Picture
There comes a time when you must change direction. The idea you were pursuing that seemed to have merit turns out to have some elements of which you were unaware that may cause greater challenges than you anticipated. As you gain the bigger picture, be willing to abandon one idea [...]
Moving Forward
You, by the self to which you and others give a name, can do nothing. You are not a stand-alone being like a cut-out doll. You are part of a flow of Intelligence so vast that the human mind cannot grasp this immensity. In the body, which is part of [...]
With the Eyes of the Soul
They are doing the best they can, those others you may find yourself judging. Can you put yourself in their shoes? Some people cannot, you know. They have not had enough lifetimes to fully understand the human condition. If you can empathize greatly with others, understanding the lack of control [...]
You do not have to go it alone. If only you would remember this. In human goings-on you often feel like the Lone Ranger, bearing your burdens without help. Know that you are both human and spirit and that you have a team of unseen helpers. Call on them and [...]
One Reality
You imagine two worlds: the physical and the non-physical. You call one “the spirit world.” Do you not realize that you, too, are in the spirit world? Your language limits and distorts your perception of reality. In actuality, you are not “in” the spirit world at all. You are Spirit [...]
When one shares a tale of another’s actions and their opinion of such with you, does it automatically become your own opinion? This is a common way of building separation. Do remember that all stories must go through the filter of the one telling it. Have you not experienced how [...]
In the Flow
You have a project to complete. You have ideas of how to proceed, and yet, it is not flowing. Get up from your chair. Do not struggle. If it is not flowing, it is not yet ready to take wings. You are being inspired from a level beyond the project. [...]
The start of a new cycle. Perhaps there is excitement. Perhaps there is trepidation. Perhaps there is a bit of both. Every moment is a new cycle, dear one. Some cycles are more momentous than others. Beginnings and endings are simply markers … waypoints within the endless flow flow flow [...]
This Awareness
This is a state of Awareness, this experience you are having as you read these words. And it is Awareness itself having the experience. A dream is a state of Awareness, and it is Awareness in which the dream arises. That cat is a state of awareness. And it is [...]
Breaking the mold. This is a necessary step if you wish to grow and step into new territory. Perhaps there is nothing wrong with the old mold. It has served you well, but perhaps it has also outgrown its service. Could there be a new way of doing things? Might [...]
Beating for a Reason
Do you not at times feel overwhelmed? So much to do. So many people asking things of you. So much to think about. Do you know you can take a break anytime you feel this way? “But I don’t have time!” you say, and we are not speaking of running [...]
You, Magnified
You look very closely in a mirror with magnification, and you are stunned. Perhaps you are even repelled. “Is this how others see me?” you wonder. And we at the higher levels smile. We see you magnified many times more than any mirror. In fact, we see right through you. [...]
Amid the Bustle
You are bustling about now, those of you who celebrate the Christmas holiday. Did you buy enough gifts to make others happy? You are filled with the anticipation of the joy those others will feel when they open their gifts. And yes, there are chores related to the coming holiday [...]
Oh So Good
So, you do remember you are the Light. And each time you do so, more and more of this One True Light flows through you. And does it not feel oh so good to shine? And then what happens? A bit of the baser human reactions arises. You slip up [...]
Sacred Visits
Butterflies fly in a circle around you, thus getting your attention. Or they land on your hand and stay there for a while. These are sacred visits from birds, insects, animals interacting with you as messengers from those no longer in a body. How can you trust that these are, [...]
Come to Love Being
The pages of your calendar are peeling off. Each day that passes you are that much closer to the end of another year. “How time flies!” you exclaim, and you can see it in how thin is the calendar and how bare the trees. Does this give you a sense [...]