When is a twitch more than just a spasm? When is a butterfly more than just an insect? When the heart gives you that moment of awareness, “There is a message here.” Listen to the heart, dear one, not the head. The head will try to tell you, “Oh, that [...]
New Directions
Do not be afraid to change direction mid-stream. Every moment is a new beginning. Every step presents you with a choice: continue as you have been going or turn to a new horizon. To do so unassisted would be quite frightening but hear us well: you are surrounded by helpers. [...]
Back to Center
You can be led astray quite easily. And what is the meaning of “astray”? Off the path that is most aligned with Truth, with the One Mind, with love, balance, joy. And how does this happen? You lose focus on your center. It is quite easy to become swept up [...]
As long as you are playing your role in this costume you call a body, why not do so to the best of your ability? The Director has assigned you the task of being Love In Full Expression. This is improv, you know. Your lines are not assigned, but with [...]
Trial and Error
When you err, which humans do quite often in their journey of learning by trial and error, make amends as quickly as possible. Do not stew and stir that ingredient of regret and angst into the mix. State your apologies briefly. And now, it is done. No need to go [...]
When things pile up, how do you handle them? Do you feel stressed as if you have to handle it all alone? You are not alone. Angels are real. Call on them to show you the best way. Call on them to guide you to better solutions. Call on them [...]
Balancing Act
Focus on the positives. What are you grateful for? Be grateful for your body and this human experience but do understand that it is not the fullness of who you are. The body is, in fact, programmed to make you notice the negative. This is a survival mechanism from days [...]
The One You’re With
Love the one you are with. The moment you find yourself in is the result of Source experiencing LIFE through you and also through that other. What is a co-incidence, but a coming together in space and time in a meaningful way. Look for the meaning or create that meaning, [...]
From One Source
Do not despair That your loved one is no longer there. Life goes on, like a river it flows. Round twists and turns, ever onward it goes. And if the end is not in sight, Do not let this bring you fright. All rivers have the self-same Source. You call [...]
Nothing Left Out
Be the wholeness. Then, nothing is left out. You may feel separate and alone when you view the world from within your own little sphere. But that is only an infinitesimal part of the Real You. Expand, expand, expand not only your thinking, but your being. Be like Gulliver and [...]
As We See You
Not good enough? Who told you such a thing? Most likely another human who did not realize their innate divinity. Or could it be that you compared yourself to others and found yourself lacking in some way for which you now feel ashamed? Oh, dear one, do not lower yourself [...]
Step by Step
Have you not seen one who is blind being led by one with sight? Do not immediately go to pity, for the same scenario has unfolded with the one who is without sight running races and doing quite well. Our point is for you to put yourself in the blind [...]
Bears Repeating
It is time for a reminder. Repeat after us: “I forgive myself for ever thinking I was anything less than love.” And here we hear you protest, for there are parts of you that do not understand. We are not speaking of being “loving.” Humans act less than loving quite [...]
In the Cards
It is written in the cards. Where does this saying come from? From the awareness that certain things in life are pre-ordained. There are those who can read oracle cards and see the patterns, see the growth, and see what lies ahead. Does this mean that every detail is known [...]
In Celebration
Prepare for the holidays. Is this not what you do? You get out your boxes of decorations. You go shopping. You plan. Is there not great joy in tradition? Be sure to create new traditions as you go through well-worn motions. Traditions are well and good, but life is dynamic. [...]
For Communion
Bells ring at weddings. They ring at funerals. They ring to announce births and church services. They are a call to worship, a call to gather … an announcement: “Pay attention! Come together. You are not alone.” Were you alone, there would be no need for bells. Gather with others [...]
The One True Power
Wisdom. Each human is imbued with this. It arises not from the intellect, but from the heart, which is the bridge twixt human and higher self. Of course, we speak of the energetic heart of you—the central point that merges your earthly tendencies and those of spirit. Wisdom is often [...]
Staying Power
Perseverance. What makes you stay with a thing that is challenging? There is an internal nudging to do your best, to see it through to the end. This is part of the evolutionary drive of the soul, but it is more than survival instinct, dear one. There is one primal [...]
In Service
You are always being called upon. This is why you are here … to help others. You thought it was all about you? In a way, of course, it is, but no man is an island. It is all about relationships, dear one. When another reaches out for help, if [...]