Out of the Box
Be ready for anything. You tend to make assumptions and assume that all will follow a trajectory, whether downward or upward. This is the challenge. When you fail to think outside the box, you remain boxed in by assumptions and history. You understand today that tiny particles do not actually [...]
Being The One
Set aside your desperation to know all the answers and just be the answer. Stop searching for just a little while and be the search. Look no farther than the tip of your nose and be the one who knows … all of This is My expression. I am Love [...]
In your leadership and management classes you learn about delegation. This does not mean you get out of doing work. It means that you count on help from others. Delegate to the angels, dear one. You do not have to do it all alone. There are so many of us [...]
See Joy, Source, in all things and all beings. In this way, you will look for the bright spots. When you see a parent scolding a child or lashing out in anger, it is their own angst they are projecting. The unconditional love of a parent is how the angels [...]
Finding That One
Yes, there are those who will wish to cheat you. They will use deceptive measures that may anger you. What an opportunity! Will you fall into the trap? Not the trap of going along with their scheme. That is their ignorance. The trap of remaining in ignorance yourself that you [...]
Clear and Precise
Keep in mind the importance of intention. Anything is possible, with limits, of course, within the physical reality. But when you are creating, you are dipping into a sea of possibilities beyond the physical. Intention takes what is potential and begins a process of solidifying as you would understand it. [...]
The Sanctuary
Peace be upon you. Is that not what you want? Running about looking for it, most especially outside of yourself in the world which appears far from peaceful will not help you find it. Perhaps you do find a sanctuary such as a church where peaceful, holy energy has built [...]
There is always another way. When you refuse to look for alternatives, suffering ensues. Knee-jerk reactions happen when one is tapped. You cannot help it. Now that the leg has settled back into place, take a breath and see what alternative steps forward that leg can take. How is that [...]
To get more, you must give more. This is the law. And what is a spiritual law? An unerring “this is how it always works” rule you can depend on. Depend on this: The more love you give out, the more returns to you. The more kindness you exude, the [...]
Globally and at Home
Put yourself in another’s shoes. They may be ill fitting. They may pinch a bit, and why would they not? You all are created equally at the deeper levels, but you express your divinity in unique ways. And that is the point. Whether you wear pointy shoes or open-toed sandals, [...]
Common Ground
Find the common ground. One of you may be on the mountain and one in the valley. It is challenging to hear each other when so far away. All roads ultimately lead to the same place, do they not? Not in the physical world, but in the world that [...]
The Choice
Choose to be at peace. If you can change a thing through your positive actions, then by all means do so, but if you cannot, then how you think about that issue is up to you. If you focus on the negatives, you will not radiate peace. What if you [...]
Seasons and Cycles
All of life goes in cycles. Do not grow discouraged. Yes, when the weather turns cold and much of nature goes dormant, you feel the withdrawal. After a while, you cannot wait for Spring again. And so it goes in the evolution of your universe. Cycles. You wonder when Spring [...]
Beyond this World
So much toxicity. It is in the news. It is in your world. How to overcome this? Shift beyond this world at regular measures for a reminder that there are worlds upon worlds. Were there not, of course it would become easy to lose hope. There is an Awareness within [...]
In the Patterns
When you ask and ask of Spirit and do not receive a direct answer, flow. Yes, flow. To not know or hear what to do does not mean that your prayers have not been heard. It is a good thing to ask. It is an excellent thing to flow as [...]
Why do you bother to read these messages each day? It is good to remind yourself why you do anything. After a while, any task becomes rote, so habitual that one can easily forget the motivation that led you to do it. Set clear intentions and remind yourself from time [...]
Like a Fountain
You want to connect with a loved one or higher being across the veil. On one hand, it is a passive activity to sit and receive in awareness whatever arises. On the other hand, do not simply sit, but radiate inviting energy. Send them your love. This is what you [...]
Your superheroes wear masks. Why is this? For the true powers do not come through the human expressions and the roles you play. They come from an expression of you deeper than what the human thinks they are capable of. Perhaps you have heard the tales of one being able [...]
Laws of Being
The Law of Balance is quite important in your life. If you do not understand that it is in operation at all times, you may complain when things swing one way or another. You have gained weight? Then more has come in than has been burned off. You are over-tired? [...]