The Daily Way

Poem #164 – Dark vs. Light

2010-01-01T19:17:52-05:00January 1st, 2010|

Happy new year! May 2010 be filled with love and brightness ... Black as a crow, Dark as the night, Why is it darkness Does fill you with fright? You’ve learned from your birth That there’s good and there’s bad. There’s hot and there’s cold, Just as there’s happy and [...]

Poem #163 – The Flame Within

2009-12-31T17:11:56-05:00December 31st, 2009|

Singe not the fraying ends That leave a hanging thread. A tiny imperfection Is nothing you should dread. You seek to reach perfection But it’s a lofty goal. And when you fail to reach it, You’re left feeling less than whole. Just know that deep inside you There lies a [...]

Poem #162 – The Breath of Life

2009-12-30T17:13:47-05:00December 30th, 2009|

Mars, Venus, Pluto, Uranus… Planets far from yours. They have not the grass and plants Through which the oxygen pours. Barren places, lacking life, So far from the sun. But life has been a part of earth Since time there was begun. But what is life? Does it grow From [...]

Poem #161 – On Challenges

2009-12-29T17:14:35-05:00December 29th, 2009|

Every man must face a challenge In every cycle of his life. For in your world of comforts There must come some times of strife. How you face up to the struggles Is part of your big test, For the one who sees these eagerly Will rise about the rest. [...]

Poem #160 – Pack Your Bags With Love

2009-12-28T17:16:23-05:00December 28th, 2009|

An interesting experience today. After a conversation with a neighbor last night, I thought today’s poem would be about dealing with hardship. I pushed the poem in that direction and it just wasn’t working. The poets kindly chastised me for trying to be active instead of passive, and they made [...]

Poem #159 – On Cooperation

2009-12-27T17:17:26-05:00December 27th, 2009|

Forests filled with leaves and twigs So thick they block the sky. The filtered light it trickles through To meet the wandering eye. Nature has such miracles They’re everywhere you look. In them you’ll find the face of God If often time you took. A tiny ant that marches on [...]

Poem #158 – Folly

2009-12-26T17:18:14-05:00December 26th, 2009|

I love not knowing what the topic of each day's poem is going to be. This morning I found myself sitting up straight as could be and felt an in-charge masculine presence which I recognized from previous visits. His language was quite different and forceful. After the first few lines [...]

Poem #157 – Nothing to Fear

2009-12-25T17:19:25-05:00December 25th, 2009|

Merrry Christmas to all. May you be surrounded by love today and give back as much as you get ... Today's poem comes with a huge dose of love to get you started: Begin as you always do, With a deep breath. For today’s topic’s a deep one: This thing [...]

Poem #156 – For Christmas Eve

2009-12-24T17:21:03-05:00December 24th, 2009|

I felt a “light” and loving presence, then heard: Good morning. We have come to guide you in a song of sorts… A choir of angels sings on high. Glory, glory in the heavens. Oh, such praises they do bring. With great happiness they sing. For unto you is born [...]

Poem #155 – You Can’t Rush Growth

2009-12-23T17:22:22-05:00December 23rd, 2009|

A quick note before today's poem to acknowledge Lois Anne and Jennifer, two beautiful souls whose comments each day are as insightful and beautiful as the poems. Thank you so much for your efforts. I love knowing that others are enjoying the poems, too. And now, #155: See the mighty [...]

Poem #154 – Innocence

2009-12-22T17:23:03-05:00December 22nd, 2009|

Hear the little children’s voices. So sweetly they do sing. The happiness that’s in their hearts Has a wondrous message to bring. Small children are so innocent. They have not learned to hate. If you could only turn back time, How grand would be your state. No fear, no judgment, [...]

Poem #153 – The Power of Words

2009-12-21T17:23:39-05:00December 21st, 2009|

You create with your voice. You always have a choice How you will affect your day With the words you choose to say. Will you speak with kindness? Or speak as if with blindness? Use your words to soothe and charm? Or to others bring some harm? Man has been [...]

Poem #152 – Your True Self

2009-12-20T17:24:16-05:00December 20th, 2009|

Sitting in the silence Is the way to know yourself. There beyond the chatter Is a world of formless wealth. For it’s not the things you buy That will lead to lasting peace, But the things you learn in silence That will bring you great release. So many fail to [...]

Poem #151 – What is Real?

2009-12-19T17:25:09-05:00December 19th, 2009|

So be it, That you shall die. Tis nothing but a passage… The blink of an eye. Worry not That this world you shall leave. A new life awaits you. This you can believe. Your world’s an illusion. Not at all as it seems. To understand it more clearly, Simply [...]

Poem #150 – In the Details

2009-12-18T17:25:52-05:00December 18th, 2009|

Sit down on your haunches. Contemplate the grass. Pick up a single blade, And let it through your fingers pass. Feel the tiny ridges That are so hard to detect. And then upon this feeling Take a moment to reflect. These tiny details pass before you In oh so many [...]

Poem #149 – The Highest Vibration

2009-12-17T17:26:38-05:00December 17th, 2009|

Radiate … Send energy out. Feel it swirling all about. This, inside, is your true state. At times to rise, and then abate. It’s with your thoughts that you control The energy level as a whole. What feels good are waves so fine. What feels bad is far from divine. [...]

Poem #148 – The Jewel Inside You

2009-12-16T17:27:20-05:00December 16th, 2009|

A little background on this one... a few years ago on a long hypnotic drive, a wonderful acronym came to me as a way to describe our essence. I filed it away in my brain and never did anything with it, although I knew it would surface again some time. [...]

Poem #147 – On Healing

2009-12-15T17:28:38-05:00December 15th, 2009|

I had a tough time in meditation today thanks to a lack of sleep. Nothing was coming through, then I nodded off. I awoke with a start to the first line of this poem in my ears. It flowed for three stanzas, then drifted away in my tired mind. On [...]

Poem #146 – Where is Heaven?

2009-12-14T17:29:28-05:00December 14th, 2009|

This amazing poem came with a rush of love at the end that left me in tears ... Raise your head up to the sky. Sit a while and wonder why All the stars do shine and twinkle. It’s a strange and wondrous wrinkle. Heaven seems so far away, But [...]

Poem #145 – The Little Things

2009-12-13T17:30:14-05:00December 13th, 2009|

See the goodness in all things. Hear the bird, the song it sings. Smell the flower, touch the rose. Pat a puppy on its nose. All are ways to feel God’s love. Gifts to you from up above. The little moments when you stop. And cherish all the gifts you’ve [...]

Poem #144 – On Judgment

2009-12-12T17:32:35-05:00December 12th, 2009|

Divisive thoughts they cause a rift Instead of giving your soul a lift. Think loving things and you will find A calmer, more peaceful state of mind. It’s far too easy to sit and judge. Your opinions you do refuse to budge. But when you judge another’s ways You just [...]

How wonderful the Universe is …

2009-12-12T17:31:25-05:00December 12th, 2009|

Had to share this: Two days ago Ty and I decided that the next check from the Susan Marie Giesemann Foundation (the charity we established in memory of our daughter to which all proceeds from my readings go), would be to help children, since Susan loved children so much. I [...]

Poem #143 – All Part of the Plan

2009-12-11T17:33:15-05:00December 11th, 2009|

Gone are the days When you ran as a child Rushing through fields Like the wind, oh so wild. Those years formed a base For the way you are now. With strength and with courage They did you endow. The past is your history, But your future it’s not. You’ve [...]

Poem #142 – Beyond This Life

2009-12-10T17:34:16-05:00December 10th, 2009|

Beyond the greatest of your hopes There lies yet even more. So much it does await you When you cross through Heaven’s door. A world of life and wonders Greater than you’ve ever seen. It’s a world that’s even greater Than your most cherished dream. It makes your world seem [...]

Poem #141 – The Great Play of Life

2009-12-09T17:35:07-05:00December 9th, 2009|

For the third day in a row, a completely new rhyming pattern... Curtains part, revealing a scene: The great play of life. Each separate act with a pause in between. Actors are you all, Playing out your separate roles Before the curtain does fall. Step onto the stage and bow. [...]

Poem #140 – An Important Message

2009-12-08T17:35:56-05:00December 8th, 2009|

Yet another new rhythm and rhyming pattern ... Through all your earthly trials I am there. Your troubles and your triumphs I do share. Be thus ever knowing if you dare, That always for your soul I greatly care. My breath it does flow through you as you breathe. I [...]

Poem #139 – Growth

2009-12-07T17:37:06-05:00December 7th, 2009|

A whole new rhyming pattern today... Growth: they say it comes in spurts; Oft resulting from some hurts With a cause that no one knows. Never doubt that pain is good. Like deep scars that mar the wood, It leaves a mark, then goes. What is left behind grows stronger. [...]

Poem #138 – The One Real Truth

2009-12-06T17:37:51-05:00December 6th, 2009|

It’s so easy to doubt What you cannot see or feel. But that’s the role of faith In a world where all seems real. Sit back each day and listen To the silence in your mind, And there great truth and wisdom Awaits for you to find. Nothing that seems [...]

2009-12-04T17:39:16-05:00December 4th, 2009|

I got a poem today, but it's too personal to share. The spirit world seems to be aware of how keyed up I am about the events of this coming weekend as I host Anne Gehman and Wayne Knoll at several major events. As always, they had loving advice, but [...]

Poem #137 – What Your World So Dearly Needs

2009-12-03T17:40:43-05:00December 3rd, 2009|

Curry us no favors. There is nothing that we need, Except for you to honor us With your every loving deed. The world’s in need of saviors— People who do care. And everyone can play a part By loving, if they dare. Share bread with those who hunger. To those [...]

You are so very loved.

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