Suzannne Giesemann – newhome2025-01-22T01:52:10-05:00

“My mission has changed from serving my country to serving those who are dealing with the challenges of being human. You may feel broken. You may be wounded. But it is my greatest honor to help you discover you are a soul, and your soul is perfectly fine.” – Suzanne

Suzanne’s new book is available NOW!

Suzanne’s new book is available NOW!

Suzanne’s new Mediumship book is available NOW

Featured Events

Here are a few great opportunities to connect directly with Suzanne:

A path to living a consciously connected and divinely guided life.

When you live in The Awakened Way, you come to know that you are already whole and complete at the level of the soul. The more you allow your true nature
to shine through your human role, the more you fulfill your purpose and experience peace, love, and joy moment by moment.

There is a better way…

The Awakened Way.

Suzanne’s new book shows you how to make the SHIFT!

Pack your joy, adventurous spirit, and flip flops to join Suzanne for

The Awakened Way Caribbean Connection!

Seven days and eight nights of fabulous cruising.
Fourteen hours of sharing with Suzanne and her guides, Sanaya.
Inspiration and insights beyond measure

The free Awakened Way App is a great place to start!

Receive fresh inspiration each day.
Ask the Universe for the perfect message from a collection of thousands.
Enjoy eBooks & meditations to help you on your journey, and much more

44k + Active users

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Take a course

Suzanne’s courses teach how to connect with your own loved ones even if you have no intention of being a medium or ever doing readings.

Find Answers

From big life questions to simple spiritual curiosity, Suzanne has received answers from higher consciousness for over 14 years in the messages.

Enjoy your gifts

It is a blessing to offer these gifts to you. May you feel the loving energy in which they were co-created with my team in spirit.

The Daily Way Messages

The Daily Way messages are a collection of guiding, insightful, and loving messages delivered through Suzanne from her helpers in the higher dimensions, Sanaya. Join those who have come to experience and know through the power of these words what Sanaya tells us frequently: You are so very loved.

“Realizing we are not only human, the experience of feeling alone is over. Our connection to everything at the deepest levels is the fullness we seek.” – Suzanne

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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