After not getting a poem yesterday for the first time in 4 months I heard:

Worry not so much
If you have lost your touch.
Here, there, and everywhere
We always do abide.
We’re here at your side.

* * *
Then, a new poem…

An accounting of the past
A way to make things last
Tales of glory
Tell a story
Of things gone by
What and why

It does repeat
Life, it is replete
With birth and death
Take new breath
Only to pass

Why the repetition?
Always competition…
This is how you grow
This to you we show:
It’s part of evolution
One big revolution
All a part of one big whole
Just like your mind and soul
Round and round they go
When they stop you do not know

Step aboard
The light you move toward
Draws you near
This please revere
Your Source
The Force
The one thing with no history
Nothing but eternity
Always there
For all time
Simply Divine
God IS.