We come to you with great happiness.
Our time is thus well spent.
For every word that you do hear
From the lips of God is sent.
* * *
Tears of sadness fall.
Pity not forever those who cry
For they do not know it all.
‘Tis but a passing phase.
All suffering comes and goes
How long the sorrow lasts…
No human truly knows.
But sorrow serves a purpose
Even though the pain it sears.
It helps the spirit’s growth
As it passes through the years.
The ups and downs of life
Are all part of your learning.
Your growth comes with a cost:
For peace it leave you yearning.
But in the trials is when you learn
The lessons that do last.
The future shines much brighter
From the darkness of your past.
But why must there be suffering?
This question you do ask.
You cannot understand the dark
If always in the sun you bask.
All life is made of opposites.
Your world is light and dark.
And through all facets do you pass
When on the journey you embark.
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