Forgiveness —
The greatest gift …
When used to heal a painful rift.
Those who harbor hate and anger–
Who hold for others hardened rancor,
Hold within their chest a stone
Leaving them to feel alone.
Yet when you find it in your heart
To heal that which does set you apart,
Then you know the inner peace
That enters with a great release.
It comes when you can finally say,
“I do forgive you on this day.”
Forgiveness doesn’t say, “You’re right.”
It doesn’t carry power and might.
It’s nothing but a touch of grace
That brushes softly ‘cross the face.
And without judgment says, “I know
That all of us are here to grow.
And if I send you love, not hate,
Then easier will be your fate.”
For all must pay for what they do.
You face your actions, this is true.
But seeing that we all do err
And showing that the love’s still there
Then in this way you show to all
That even those who take a fall
Can walk the straight and narrow path
When met with love instead of wrath.
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