Suzanne shared highlights of readings and synchronicities in the past month including her communication with a little boy across the veil named Oliver. Topics covered in Suzanne’s teaching during the session included how to deal with fluctuations in your field, signs from loved ones in spirit, and being present in day-to-day life. She shared how the spiritual path often unfolds for people and a great example of how living “The Awakened Way” helped a friend, Karen, enjoy her best race ever. Suzanne continued last month’s discussion on “mediumship malpractice” with an example of very hurtful malpractice that had been reported to her. Suzanne discussed how communication soul-to-soul is a solution to dealing with those with dementia and shared the experience of one of her followers who used this method very successfully. Participants learned to use a valuable tool for life called “The What If? Drill”. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions from participants on topics including how the length of time since a loved one passed affects connection, the role of archangels as guides, the number of souls, aliens as guides, the effect of chronic illness on connections across the veil, definition of the multiverse, a soul disassociating from the body before death, the difference between old and new souls, angels incarnating as humans, asking our guides for signs, and getting rid of blockages. The group did a powerful healing exercise and Sanaya spoke through Suzanne. They shared insights on the healing session and human reactions to the recent decision of the U.S. Supreme Court.
This month Suzanne shared, "A Smorgasbord of New Teaching Received from Across the Veil in the Past Month". Topics covered by Suzanne and her advanced teachers in spirit, Sanaya, included dealing with challenges in life like the Coronavirus, the "Mesh Net"exercise, exceptions to rules, trusting the bigger picture, a definition of energy from Sanaya, learning from differences – the role of differences, the infinity of going to Source and returning to experience, transcendental joy, the "Be Still" exercise, releasing the need for perfection in readings and a wonderful story of Ty's "new age kind of guy" experience.
This month Suzanne described the "Top Ten Habits for Cultivating Clearer Connections Across the Veil". They truly are life-changing habits! Suzanne and Sanaya provided answers to questions including emotions felt by loved ones on the other side, the difference between spirit and soul, the difference between angels and guides, reincarnation, and connecting too often with a loved one on the other side.
In this month’s webinar Suzanne shares highlights of her communications with spirit in the past month including examples of how symbols show up for her in readings, and how evidential readings can lead to great healing from grief. She describes an astounding technique to instantly silence negative self-talk. A past student declared this a “game-changer”! Suzanne shares a story and the lessons learned regarding fundamental religion and mediumship, a humorous story that provides a great lesson in letting go, and a new tip from her spirit guide, Boris, on getting signs. She also shares the incredible experience of her conversation with a convicted felon and three points she learned from him on connecting across the veil. Suzanne’s assistant, Valerie Kwietniak, shared a powerful message and exercise she was given in meditation regarding feelings of "I am less than / I am more than". Sanaya, Suzanne, and Brenda (Suzanne’s mediumship guide in spirit) answered questions regarding new souls, killing in self-defense, exploring realms from the other side, spontaneous body vibrations, reasons for incarnation, angels incarnating as humans, ego and pets, ancestry, “human” activities in the afterlife, cemeteries, and the possibility of combined souls in one body.
This month Suzanne shared her very personal experience of grief with the passing of her beloved dachshund, Gretchen. There were many profound teachings from her guides in spirit, Sanaya, regarding the human grieving process. These teachings included a valuable breathing exercise, and understandings about feelings and patterns in our lives. Questions were answered about euthanasia , pets on the other side, the forms we take on the other side, and how to respond to the suffering in this realm.