"I've had some amazing stories from spirit to share in my Monthly Mentoring sessions over the past 4 years, but nothing like what happened last night on December 8! You'll understand the awe in this statement from Suzanne Giesemann when you hear her describe the experience, share the evidence, and unravel the profound wisdom given to her by Robin Williams from the other side. It is clear that "afterlife" is a misnomer . . we are all part of the "everlife"! Suzanne shared some latest highlights of evidence from her readings and covered the following topics: further teaching on The Lucid Zone that was discussed in November’s session, manifesting miracles with Spirit’s help, human fears and doubts getting in the way of connecting across the veil, and the real truth of "turning up our light". Questions were answered regarding the soul plan of domestic animals, communicating soul-to-soul on earth, reincarnation of masters, and psychic information from photos.