• “Fearless Living” was the theme for this month’s Monthly Mentoring.  Suzanne shared touching examples and stories of how it is possible to live without fear in any of our earth experiences.  She shared the “good, bad, and miraculous” from a very personal experience in the past month that showed why sometimes we manifest things in magical ways and then they go awry.  Suzanne also presented true stories that were perfect tools to teach:  how to deal with toxic neighbors, co-workers, or family members in a way that completely transform the situation; validation of how our loved ones are watching over us during the pandemic; and what recurring dreams teach us.  She led participants through a new way to focus and expand the energy during her “Ten Minute Transformation” meditation. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions including: the relationship between a soul plan and the law of attraction, killing animals for food, different levels in the spirit realm, remembering past lives on the other side, and souls of stillborn babies.  
  • Along with examples of readings and evidence in the past month, the key insights shared this month were:
    •  How to get people to hear you when you have something important to say using a tool that’s simple yet so often overlooked.
    • A new analogy to understand how you can NEVER be separated from Source.
    • What’s really happening when you “read someone’s mind.”
    • A technique to release old hurts and heal deep wounds
    • A quick and easy technique for instantly aligning with Spirit.
    Questions were answered about reincarnation, co-creation, speaking in tongues, vortexes and more.
  • Along with examples of readings and evidence in the past month, the key insights shared this month were:
    • A whole new perspective straight from the spirit world on how to see current events, along with a solution designed to bring you peace here and now.
    • An easy phrase that will make all the difference in the world when you find yourself wanting to change or control the behavior of those you love!
    • Spirit animals … are they real? If so, can they help us? Yes, and yes as shared by Suzanne with a great evidential story to go along with this discussion.
    • The Hawaiian practice of forgivingness called Ho’oponopono? Yes, it works! Suzanne shared sacred geometry to show viewers how connected they are with All That Is.
  • This month the following teaching was shared: *A new analogy to help understand the concept of “oneness” and true nature. * A practice for shifting realities instantaneously. * A review of how to ask for signs from loved ones and a magical validation that The Sign Game works. *A practice for being non-reactive when others push your buttons and an excellent process for immediately clearing negative energy. *Evidence that loved ones on the other side do influence our relationships here.   Questions were answered regarding those who have passed from Covid 19, meeting those on the the other side whom we disliked or feared in this life, souls passing in groups, and more.
  • This month Suzanne focused on “Finding Peace Now”. It has been a challenging time as the world deals with the pandemic and racial unrest.  Suzanne’s teachers in spirit, Sanaya, provided profound wisdom and tools through Suzanne to help viewers deal with the fears, anxiety, and loss of balance in the current group consciousness.  Suzanne took viewers through a new exercise provided by Sanaya using Mala Beads to bring each to better focus and awareness of the One Me. The concept of a Peace beyond the human story and “changing the channel” shared by Suzanne is truly life changing. Suzanne shared an example of how our spirit guides are aware of what is coming up for us and try to warn us of danger. Sanaya and Suzanne answered questions dealing with topics including animal flesh in the human diet, cremation vs. traditional burial, why only some believe in eternal life, why some loved ones do not show up in a reading, and the length of time before connecting to a loved one who has recently passed.
  • This month Suzanne focused on "taking off the training wheels" and moving beyond the BLESS ME method to a shorter method of connecting directly to spirit. She shared new insights on: the difference between soul, spirit and higher self, a new perspective of eternity, dealing with others who radiate negativity and why negativity may be part of one's experience. Questions answered by Suzanne and Sanaya included: How are guides assigned? Why do negative things happen to children? Can we be spiritual and also assertive? Why do some parts of the world have more tragedy than others?

You are so very loved.

Welcome to this loving community of kindred spirits. Join us each month for The Monthly Connection webinars and more opportunities to live The Awakened Way.

Stay Connected with Suzanne

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