Suzanne shared amazing highlights of her readings in the past month including a special drop-in, a soul looking over her shoulder and changing the words to his description on her laptop, and a family reunion of souls with incredible evidence. She asked her assistant, Bev, to share her experience of coming to trust the “knowing” that she receives from her helpers in spirit. Suzanne provided a profound lesson on how a poorly trained medium did emotional harm to her sitter and she shared points on ethics in mediumship and always “doing no harm.” Other topics covered in this session included why our human side automatically goes to fear, whether it’s better for a medium to see the sitter in a reading, understanding “the shift,” and an easy method to release emotional trauma. Suzanne and Sanaya answered questions about our soul names, staying on earth past one’s original soul plan, spirit’s role in great discoveries on earth, souls attending their own funeral, understanding why life on earth depends on a food chain of killing, and multiple personalities disorder. The group shared a powerful healing exercise and Sanaya spoke through Suzanne. Sanaya addressed topics including Albert Einstein and other scientists in spirit, the power of trust, alignment with Awareness, and the true vibration of Om.