You do not have to do it all alone. Do you not yet realize that your thoughts are not always what you call “my own”? You are part of a dynamic flow of energy-information in a field of Consciousness. Awareness is the foundation of all experience. See life as experiences in Consciousness instead of as a physical stage, and you will start to tap into the wisdom and assistance that flow to and through you at all times. Pause, breathe, and listen when you wish to accomplish something. Ask for assistance. In this way you flow as a team as part of a stream.
You are so very loved.
Erina (re: Asma Binti H.), If you are still following along with the these daily posts here and have been unable to get a reading from Suzanne or one of her students, and none of the suggestions shared on the 18 August post titled “More” to get a sign or message that you are consciously aware of has worked (yet), I know of a small practice group that can give you a free reading. You will need Zoom.
I am not on any social media so this thread is my only point of contact for this specific matter.
If that will work for you, just reply to this post and I will put the contact information in this thread.
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
Scott H.
I’m interested in getting more information. I do not participate in social media either.
I’m also interested and don’t participate in social media.
Hi Corinne and Liselle,
The above was in response to someone who lost a loved one during a time when their nation was going through a coup d’etat with social media restrictions/ lockdown. It is also a nation known for extreme GBV (gender-based violence) against women, girls and children, including what is known as acid attacks, where perpetrators, especially husbands and family members are rarely, if ever, held accountable. It takes a very courageous individual to reach out during such traumatizing anguish and harsh societal constraints, so I offered what may be possible from half a world away.
Thank you for your courtesy and understanding,
Scott H.