You are playing a role. It is one that you as a soul agreed to. You chose those souls around you whose roles would best help you experience the precise adventures and opportunities that would allow you to live most fully. Living fully does not always entail ease. It does not always feel pleasurable, but oh, it does come with growth. “Now I have been there and done that.” There are many experiences you do not wish to repeat, but did they not serve to round out your experiences and cause you to make choices that are more in alignment with the soul nature that lies beneath the role? Yes, indeed, and that is the point of it all. You can come into alignment quickly and painlessly or the slow way filled with choices that lead you astray. All eventually align with love and merge back into the oneness from which all souls arise. That is the prize. But do not be in a hurry. “One” is not a static state. Bubbling up is what One does, for Love cannot contain Itself.
You are so very loved.
I signed up for your Oct monthly podcast. Since then, my son got shot and killed by police. I have a feeling this would be beneficial. Help!
Our hearts go out to you, Lorraine. Please go to my homepage and download the free eguide, “Where Do I Begin.” Blessings.
This seems to be an endorsement of reincarnation. We choose the situation into which we are reborn back into this world. That is hard to accept.
I agree 100% with this, I really do. It fits with everything I believe in although my ego is literally screaming at my soul over the death of my Wife in October ,and that I am in a different country with no friends or support. I meditate daily for answers as to why this was chosen and what is the next move, but so far nothing has emerged. I am trying to be proactive and get involved with online groups but they are not leading anywhere. I have 4 aging animals that will not be around much longer and am struggling to get where I should be going next. I am part way through your Personal Mediumship course have read your book about Wolf which again validates all that I believe, I have downloaded the hemi-sync, all good stuff. As I seem to be getting nowhere I was wondering whether there was in fact nothing else that my own particular soul has left to do, is it possible that this could be the answer, as I feel like I should no longer be here myself? I still get daily nudges from Angel numbers a crazy amount all saying new starts and that I should follow my passion and help people with my abilities, I just get the feeling though that my work is done here and I am just waiting. I feel like I am stumbling around trying things when it would be easier for the driver to just tell me! I apologise as it sounds a bit low frequency, I am just frustrated and the rest of my life does seem meaningless, I really do believe everything about the afterlife and truly value your work, if nothing is flowing then I just feel that my work is now done.
Hi Greg, I know it’s another online group, but check out Soaring Spirits International … Blessings.
Thank you so much, the word today made me smile while reading it, knowing now that the people around us that we think that is getting on our nerves, are really there in their role to help us to grow.
Dear Suzanne,
I have been reading the Bigelow essays all week. Reading about the research seems to be as far as I can go.
I’m not much of a meditator, although I try.
Then I came upon Bernardo Kastrup’s piece. I have been reading his work over the years so I was happily interested to hear what he might say.
I was absolutely gutted by his conclusion.
I asked my brother on the other side for help and found myself reading Sam Parnia’s piece and his conclusion.
Was I nudged, as you might say?
My brother’s birthday was today. I couldn’t find the energy to celebrate.
It’s been 12 years. I know my brother would want me to be able to heal. I feel I am responsible to do that for all of us. I am floundering to find my way.
To the person who posted above me, you are not alone.
Hoping we can all get through this together.