As a child you rode in the back seat of the car and
asked, “Are we there yet?”  And in
focusing on the destination, you missed the scenery along the way.  Are you there yet?  Where are you trying to go?  What if your vehicle should stall here and
now?  Could you be content, or is what
lies ahead so appealing to you that you can focus on nothing else?

What if we were to tell you that life is all about
the ride?  There is nowhere to go, simply
one scene after another unfolding right before your eyes.  Are you missing them by continuously asking, “Are
we there yet?”  Pull over at the rest
stop if you’d like, for the journey is eternal. 
Rest a while, and while you do, have a look around and see what you have
been missing. 

The place you have been so anxious to arrive at has
been in the seat with you all along. 
That urge to go, go, go is actually an urge to be, be, be.  Be what? 
Be awake.  To remember.  Remember what?  That love is all there is, and you are
that.  To feel love, give love.  Aha. 
The car has arrived.  Welcome