Music goes up and down, does it not? And in the changes between the notes, you find pleasure and at times pain when two notes do not sit well together. Life is music … notes playing now and now and now for the full experience of harmony and disharmony. There [...]
Without Thinking
What if you couldn’t think? What if you could only observe? The ego bristles in fear at the thought of no thinking! Thinking is the only way ego exists! Without ego, there is simply Awareness and the limitless flow of experience where everything is allowed. Nothing is rejected. And when [...]
Can’t or Won’t?
You can always do better. This is not said to put undue pressure on you, but to encourage you. You and all of life are a work in process. You are part of an evolutionary flow of being and becoming. There is no end or limit to the growth and [...]
Beyond Filters
What is a lie? A statement that contradicts what you have accepted as truth. And do you realize that truth is relative? What is true to one person depends upon their personal experiences and filters. Does the sun rise and fall? Relative to your position on the earth it appears [...]
If a concept makes you uncomfortable, this is an opportunity for growth. Do you automatically set it aside for being out of resonance with your belief system? Then, you are missing out. Beliefs go part and parcel with stories, but you are far more than the story you are enacting, [...]
SIP Of The Divine
Suzanne shares a stunningly simple new method for training the mind to be still and connect to spirit at the same time. This tool was recently given to Suzanne by her guides in spirit. Watch now to find out why it is “SIP” and how it provides answers and peace [...]
Beyond the Barriers
Say yes when you can but be aware of your limits. Yes, at the soul level you are a limitless being, and yet, you came into human form to experience a world where time and space limit the expression of the higher self. Does this not present outstanding opportunities to [...]
Beyond the Role
Are you upset about something? You are caught up in a story. Are you aware that you are a soul living a story? The story is necessary to have the human experience, but it is not ultimately who and what you are. When your identity rests on the human, you [...]
Guilt Free
You are taught to do “everything in moderation,” and this is good advice. But do you not learn from your excesses? And is it not at times enjoyable to splurge? You are, indeed, here as a soul to enjoy the fullness of Love In Full Expression—of LIFE. Fullness involves at [...]
The Stream
You do not have to do it all alone. Do you not yet realize that your thoughts are not always what you call “my own”? You are part of a dynamic flow of energy-information in a field of Consciousness. Awareness is the foundation of all experience. See life as [...]
For Everyone
You say you cannot love someone you do not know or someone whose vibration is not equal to yours. Perhaps you are using the word “love” in the form of a human feeling that comes and goes. And what if love is a vibration that is yours as the [...]
Toward the Light
The wheat in the field does not worry about what it will turn out to be or do. It simply follows the light and grows naturally. You were seeded for a purpose beyond simply being human. You are here to grow toward the light, only this Power Source lies within [...]