How can you think you are unworthy? For you are thinking. You are listening to thoughts planted in your conscious mind from wounded humans. Crawl back into the womb and feel the warmth you experienced there. Yet even there you felt vibrations of pain and fear from those around you. And so, go back even farther before you entered the womb. What did you know then? Only love and joy and peace. There was not concept of unworthiness, for love is love. You came from THAT. You ARE That.
What makes you think and feel you are worthy or unworthy? Why, being human! Release your focus upon being human. That is a role you agreed to before you took it on. Before you entered a womb. Before you took on others’ wounds. You are neither worthy nor unworthy. You are Love. You are Love. You are Love. Cease thinking like a human. Cease thinking, and simply BE what you are, Beloved. Be loved, for you are Love. There is nothing else. Nothing else. Nothing else.
This feels most powerful….
Thank you
so beautiful, so precious, so healing, so true. Thank you.
Thank You, this is so simple and so beautiful. I appreciate this gentle reminder.