Have you ever loved someone or something with all your heart? Take that feeling and turn it around. Know that you are loved this much and more by the Source of your being. By grace, in a moment of sheer bliss, you will understand this feeling and know how very loved you are. And then, dear one, you will want nothing more than to turn that feeling around again and give it to every other being who has not yet had this sacred realization. And that is how it goes with Love, for it cannot be contained. It is meant to be spread about liberally, this contagious elixir called Love in its most Divine form.
You are so very loved.
Can you please provide evidence for this blanket claim? Not a rhetorical question. I sincerely want to know.
The evidence comes via personal experience. It is subjective. This morning, it left me sobbing for no other reason than the sheer bliss that came in a moment of grace when I felt this Divine Love simply for “being.” Pray for this experience, and when it comes, you will have your evidence. Until then, your soul knows Truth. The ego rejects it, because to know this fully would put ego out of business.
If i may CK … …What Suzanne is also saying that you may not recognize from her response, is that ONLY YOU ((not yelling, but pointing out) that ONLY you can recognize the evidence for YOUR SELF from what you surmise as a “blanket statement” but is rather a very specific statement. What may seem like a “run-around” to you now, only seems that way because you have yet to experience the truth of the statement. But – IF and because you have heard the statement, – the statement will perhaps be a “heads-up” to the joy that is awaiting your recognition. (A tweeking in awareness of your soul’s acknowledgement). It is a matter of choosing brain or heart perspective. Your soul knows this stuff. You brain is interfering…, so let your heart speak much louder. Heart is your connection to your soul, and to soul perspective. Believe Suzanne when she says “…that IS how it goes with Love”. When you doubt that, your brain is doubting. Have faith that our hearts know much better how to Love than our brains. Our brains are manipulators while Love is not meant for manipulation.
Love already is all it will ever need to be and will always be. The joy of that will SURELY make us weep, if we acknowledge it …with and by the Love within OUR “own” hearts that is simply part of all Love … to BE shared.
Sounds sappy, i know… but it is exquisite!
Last weekend I felt the deepest feeling of love and connection that I have ever felt with my husband since he crossed over just over a year ago, a feeling like falling in love all over again. I now know in my heart that love truly is forever and that any deeply felt love relationship is here to give us an experience and a taste of Divine Love. As they say: You are so very loved. Thank you Suzanne and Sanaya
That is so beautiful Jutta. Thank you for sharing that incredible sweetness of love’s power.
Yes yes yes. Love is not private. We would never exist if it was. As always forever thank you all.
I love you too.