Spring cleaning. Is this not what you do when you realize it is time to clear out a bit of clutter? Where does clutter come from? From accumulating that which at one time you thought you needed, but now you find it is only dragging you down. Could you benefit from a bit of inner spring cleaning? It is wise to take stock regularly. What have you taken on in terms of thoughts, issues, challenges that are cluttering up your mind … your being? Open the windows, dear ones, and create some space. Do not fill it immediately with more ST-F. Enjoy the spaciousness.
You are so very loved.
This is so amazing. About a week ago while meditating I received a message about decluttering. I took it to mean my home. Now I see the true message. Love spirit.
Repeat: “Do not fill it immediately with more ST-F”.
The purchase of material goods i thought i would/might need had indeed brought my living space into a constant conglomerate of disarrays. To say THAT, IS like saying Joseph Merrick had pimples. Some call it “hoarding” albeit i don’t know where the label starts and stops: in any event, i will understate to say, it was no longer a pleasant space to which i wanted to invite folks in. And to no surprise, such was my emotional and spiritual states.
Time to look back to see where and how things went astray??? Well, yes but first let me get back to who i am so that i can deal with this mess. While i deal with the mess, i will be reminded of timings, events, and people, and my response to those… …and the story will unravel itself, which it is doing.
Repeat: “Do not fill it immediately with more ST-F”.
Repeat: “Do not fill it immediately with more ST-F”.
Repeat: “Do not fill it immediately with more ST-F”.