They are doing the best they can, those others you may find yourself judging. Can you put yourself in their shoes? Some people cannot, you know. They have not had enough lifetimes to fully understand the human condition. If you can empathize greatly with others, understanding the lack of control that is part and parcel of being human, then perhaps you have been there and done that in another lifetime enough times to understand. Yes, hurt people do hurt people. Yes, humans do things that make no sense. Yes, humans are propelled by instinctual forces at times that cause them to act less than loving, but you are not only human. The more you have been around the block so to speak, the easier it is for you to understand this. Regardless, the soul is your higher self and is here to shine. You need not wait a thousand years or a thousand lifetimes to bring it forth and allow it to do what it does best. See others with the eyes of the soul and see how that changes things for you. You are so very loved.
Empatía, Comprensión, Compasión, Amor.
I don’t really know why it is that when a read so many of these post that they leave me with tears in my eyes, nor am I really sure what what emotion those tears are attached to. The best I can explain it would be to think the elicit all of my emotions at once.. The tears are neither sad nor happy but of everything combined that one can feel it’s strange and yet beautiful all at once..
Penny, i think that is a portion what we can call the “Joy of Gratitude” in “Vision”.