Glimpses … that is what you are given: snatches of a view across the veil, brief looks in fleeting moments that allow your heart to open. Glimpses of a life beyond this one you now live cause you to question, “Is this real?” And now we ask you, which life are you questioning: the one in which you walk with physical feet or the one you touch with your mind? And we answer: both are real. These glimpses that cause you to question reality bring you ever closer to understanding the true nature of reality. Keep looking. Keep searching, and ever more frequent will be the glimpses that lift your feet off the ground and show you the true Ground of all that is.
Just read a quote this morning from Roald Dahl.
“And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always held in unlikely places. Those who do not believe in magic will never find it”.