Is there a task you wish to accomplish for which the results could go either way? Do you feel a bit of trepidation as you anticipate embarking on this undertaking? Do not begin then until you have harnessed the power of knowing. Knowing what? That you can try to do it yourself or ask for divine assistance from your heavenly guides and helpers. Fear and trepidation are impediments that are not helpful. Turn to your eternal source of help and support and begin by upleveling your thoughts. In so doing, we dare say you will tip the scales in favor of a successful outcome.
You are so very loved.
What a seet approach to getting motivated by the higher self. Do you do personal readings, I could use a tune up.
Semper Fi, USMC, VN 69
I asked for divine assistance from my heavenly guides just today to help me approach my new 6-month-old Tennessee Walker filly. My son bought her as a gift! The little brat kicked me yesterday when she arrived. I received my answer in thought & was successful…the silly filly came towards me & let me touch her with two fingers!!! I have always thought of horses as being very spiritual…
Thank you for helping me see. I was obsessing over being the best I can or taking the best path, constantly doubting and dissecting my decisions, and now I know I can try to do things in my own way and challenge myself or ask for help. I feel like I can take on anything again. Thank you so much, Suzanne.
There is a billboard outside of a local school that reads “Rather than aim for perfection, aim for progress”. ? cool eh!
We do create our own stresses by accepting them as the only available concept, the “end-all-be-all.” Stress is such a choker of our valuable efforts. Dont give it the keys to your imprisonment. Toss the keys and know all doors are open to you anytime … as is the trust in the greater good. You feel the relief now. So glad you are freer… Just keep remembering how this feels and instincts will listen to guides.