Healing takes place naturally under favorable conditions. The body knows how to attain and maintain balance and health. Look at a wound and watch how it heals when kept clean and unbothered. You wish to heal emotionally? Do not bother your wounds by ruminating about the past. Be present without thinking. Ah, there’s the rub. Thoughts arise as they will. Thinking is what happens when you dip into the past or future. If you must think at all, may they be affirmative thoughts of healing taking place as you honor the story from the soul’s perspective.
You are so very loved.
Recently i received a very disturbing review of the “past” from someone who vowed i was loved from that soul to mine. However, the review i received was on such an intensely human-only mode that the tears i then shed on many years of trust were forced to dissipate in order to come to the reality that this person CHOSE to reflect on life that way at this age and with awareness.
The decision i have to make? Is what exactly? What to do or not do? Do anything? …and put it down to: what?… a bad day?
I feel the need to respond… though in ways, i would rather carry on without that person feeling need of addressing me further with what struck me as a belief system that he never expressed before in all these years.
The “time” of life was invested in each other by each of us. It was not one-sided.
Yet – I now no longer feel a value in continuance of that particular shared investment. After being sideswiped, i refuse round two. Still, i find it sad. But so what. Sad has its place and i will allow it that space temporarily. I have no inclination to live in sadness as a mode of life. Call it done. Done.
It does make one wonder… and… then wonder if another solution is better.