Yes, your prayers are heard, just as the healing energy and love you send is received. Picture your unspoken words like droplets in a spray that goes outward from you to the recipient. Yes, they are droplets of God no matter what direction they are flowing, for all emanates from one Source. When you harness this awareness and use it for goodness, you are spraying your world with Love.
You are so very loved.
Thank you, my brother passed away las Sunday and I’ve been thinking a lot about him. We are connecting via Zoom to pray the Rosary for him.
Thank you. I have been on this path for year and at almost 71 years I realize it has been mostly an intellectual path. Recently I have discovered Suzanne’s work and I find myself with tears streaming down my face. It feels odd it is not sad tears. It is more like my heart is being touched in ways I have no words for. Thank you!
Sometimes i feel the internet is the enemy that is herding our youth into a nightmare. Then i see things like the above two comments and i feel the gratitude in the ease and speed of earthly communication that has been developed.
Its a double edged sword that is dependant on how you wield it. At the moment i see it is a wonderful thing