You have a project to complete. You have ideas of how to proceed, and yet, it is not flowing. Get up from your chair. Do not struggle. If it is not flowing, it is not yet ready to take wings. You are being inspired from a level beyond the project. Once you come to know and trust this, you will come back to your projects again and again without frustration and produce the bits and pieces that arise without struggle until finally, in a burst of creativity, all will come together as if by magic. But it is not magic, is it dear one? You simply allowed Flow to do what it will when you get out of the way.
You are so very loved.
“When it is not flowing”, is that a very awkward feeling?. It’s like your job is holding you back from spending time with your family. Somehow you “get it” but other times it is simply not the way things need to be. A decision has to be made, followed by acceptance and action on your decision regardless how anyone else thinks about it. Just trust that “the universe” has your back even when you feel not sure about that. Awkward? Could be, but doesn’t have to be. Enjoy the trust! It’s a God-send.