Do you feel a sense of urgency? What is the cause? Is it your emergency or another’s? Are you in physical danger? Then do take a deep breath and take appropriate action. If not, then do take a deep breath, and then pause long enough to ask, “Whose energy is this?” Perhaps you are taking on another’s fear. If you allow their fear to become yours, you cannot help them. Peace is here, in the pause. Separate yourself from the fear and right action will become clear.
You are so very loved.
Cmdr. Sanaya,
OM, Shanti, Shanti. This one is solid-perfect. That Joy=God (&God=Joy), now — that IS a corker. Yeah, baggage-free. ❤️?
Thank you
How can you separate from everyone’s fear (eight billion fears, really!)? If we are truly all One, then “everyone else” is simply an extension or facet of us, so those fears don’t technically belong to anyone else “out there.”
perfect day for this one. The emergency was someone else’s, but it was me who had to respond to it.
ok breath so important but I don’t really understand what you said. Perhaps, of course I’ll understand
later but thank you for your important gift today.
thank you very much
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