Jingle bells .. pieces of metal designed to make a cheerful ringing sound when jostled about by a horse or perhaps a domesticated animal who wears them on a collar. Why do you like bells so much? They are associated with joy, motion, happy times. Do you not know a song about jingling bells that takes you to the innocence of childhood? Bells serve to get attention and declare, “I am here!” What good news this is! May all those who hear you jingle smile in delight. May your sound be a cheerful one that attracts and not repels. May you jingle in the knowing: You are so very loved.
Note from Suzanne: Sanaya tells me there is a sign/synchronicity in this message. Watch for it!
I love bells. Dinner bells, animal bells, patient bells; bells, bells, bells!!!!! Ring-a-ling and be happy :)
Hey Suzanne,
Just wanted to share my Jingling experience with you seemed fitting. All summer during my travels the ancient old churches had bells ringing and it seemed so peaceful. It made the world seem a better place with the bells ringing in the background. Such gorgeous sounds some loud and strong, some soft and subtle, and yet all were soothing to the soul. So for Christmas have been giving bells with each present to share it with the ones I love this year. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Did anyone discover the synchronicity yet?