Why do you have such difficulty believing that you are a direct projection of your source … God? For stories have weight to them, and the story of God as a separate being run deep. Traditions are imbedded in the psyche to the point where you cannot see another way. Would you be here without your father’s seed and your mother’s egg? The physical form would not, and your inner light would not exist without the light of your Lightsource. It is that simple. Father, mother, seed, and egg. These are separate. The body is temporary. Light, dear one, cannot be divided or destroyed, merely transformed.
You are so very loved.
I just finished watching your Christmas Eve podcast about Archangel Michael! THANK YOU! How uplifting and reaffirming. I have a strong connection to Archangel Michael and Archangel Raphael. I find help from any Archangel actually ( I don’t want to leave anyone out 🤍). I find so much comfort and support in their presence. I listen to and read A LOT of your wisdom and guidance but had never heard this and I am so grateful I now have. I send you and all of us many blessings for the New Year. Thank you, thank you, thank you. ✨
Spot on:)
To confirm the light source, we are from can be felt as bright as we need it to be confirming the infinite existence of our souls protecting by the ultimate Love from all energies connected…
It also keeps us warm, just like a huge hug that sometimes is so nice to the bone it cannot be described. Makes me smile and brings Joy to my Heart. Thank you for sharing. It is a confirmation for me. :)
My first spiritual teacher taught me anything can appear as “light” or “dark”, it’s the vibration that matters. I notice a lot of people use the term “light” to refer to the divine source/universe/god etc. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but wouldn’t love be a more appropriate term?