That is what you are. Do you not yet realize this? Why are you drawn to a magnificent view, a magnificent mountain … magnificence of any kind? It is because like attracts like. You came from Magnificence. Magnificence is all there is, trying so very hard to express itself. Anything that you observe or experience that is less than the full expression of Magnificence is illusion. That is why so many enlightened ones speak of the human experience as illusion. So many walk about deluded, thinking they are less than Magnificence, and that becomes their reality. Rise up, above the illusion and false perceptions. Find and see the Magnificence all around you, then act in accordance with your true nature, and you will be bringing reality to illusion. Now, substitute the word “God” for Magnificence and bring a bit more understanding to your concept of God. You are Magnificence expressing itself, nothing less, but oh, so much more than you imagined.
You are so very loved.
Thank you! This is so true! I grew up with the statement that we are the expression of God’s Being. I love the idea of Magnificence! I will work with that idea for a while as I take in the beauty all around me.
Greatful to meditate on these insights.🙏 Thank you for the love and support. Sending out love to everyone.
I hope parents, relatives and friends keep a close eye on children they know or meet. Far too many children go without this kind of encouragement thereby never forming a true belief that they and all others are so very precious. Perhaps it will be the words you speak, the way you behave, the time you take with them that will inspire them toward this very profound understanding.
I would not doubt most of us went without it for a large portion of our lives, which still effects us today. Not all of us become aware of our guides and not all of us get to meet real teachers. Remember that. We are the “lucky” ones because we became aware. Yet the old reels run through our beings in repeating loops of unworthiness and degradations. Guess what is happening for those who do not become aware. Save at least one child from this misery. Help them…raise them UP.
just yesterday a friend and I was discussing the magnificence of what we see when riding long distance on our motorcycles, and having looked the very next day at what sanya has said here, I am astounded to see that sanya had covered most of what we has said. Fair to say I think we had loved ones listening in thank you!!