The Lion’s Gate. This is a name given to this date in the world of space and time when the stars align in just such a way that manifestation becomes easier. What is it you wish to achieve? What is your dream? You co-create your desires with all of creation moment by moment, but in this moment here and now, you and all physical matter are aligned. Star dust rains down upon you. Pick it up in your mind and assemble something that is helpful to all beings, why don’t you? You are so very loved.
Just did the Seminar in Spokane August 3-4. I have been a seeker my whole life- all of the techniques that she taught I had already learned and used- but Suzanne was able to easily explain and weave them together in a cohesive practice. I loved learning even more. Can’t wait to read all the books that I purchased. Thank you!
One never feels that they know what is helpful to all people.
What one can be and feel more certain about is what they them-self feels is harmful, is something best to completely avoid while keeping an open mind as to how they them-self might stand corrected someday.
However, what one feels is harmful, is not to be imposed on another who finds that “something” not to be harmful, even in the least, and one might listen to that being, even if intention to alter your stance seems locked in position. You are entitled to listen. “Good”, “bad” or “indifferent”, there is no rule that says you are demanded to “follow”. Only you are responsible to such decision. Only you know your own ego. Only you are here to learn who you are, and that you are in the greater picture in which you eventually realize (to at least some degree,) the you, as the whole of all that is.