Your guides do not judge you when you make a choice that is not aligned with love and growth. They turn up the love so that you might make better choices. You would be well served by doing the same. Teach those who are blinded to who they are about love by modeling the highest attributes of the soul. Judgment is part and parcel of being human, but you are not only human.
You are so very loved.
I have a question. How do we heal ancestral challenges that have been passed down for generations?
Energy healing can help a lot, proceeding first with the current distortions in your field, then progressively back in time through the generations until you reach the original source of that distortion. It takes time and practice, but it is extremely effective.
Barbara Brennan has shared one such story in her book “Core Light Healing”, and it evidenced that not only the recipient of the healing is affected by this “time capsule healing”, but everyone else who was even remotely related to that ancestor felt that healing once it was done.
When we are reminded, and/or remember, ancestral challenges, we can also do so regarding our ancestral achievements and joys. That, which consists of challenges and/or achievements are our opinions as to what is better, worse, productive, harmful etc, …and opinions contain truths as well as untruths.
We would need figure out what those truths are in order to make the world a better place.
And how do you/we recognize a truth?
We can look in our present to see the results of yesteryear… and acquire yet more opinion as to “what good came of” it. Ask yourself then, will that be good for the generations to come? Is your own life valuable for the present generations and those to come?
The Indigenous of the (now called) Americas, attempt to cultivate life-ways they saw as “best” for the next seven generations. Those were/are lofty goals; possible goals being those that are attained under present conditions.
You/we create SOME of those conditions; SOME you/we do not.
To heal, that which needs healing, we can only work in our present, and achieve that which needs achieving. That IS how healing occurs. Achieve your goals in ways in which you know how. Leave the rest to God and the rest of us. You are not alone.
As to begrudging the past – we know begrudging moves toward crippling the present, and is/be a huge waste toward futures. When we simply begrudge the past, we can still learn from the past, but our attitudes, that have been crippled or that we cripple, are attitudes toward forestalling rather than hastening healings. Healing WILL occur one way AND/OR the other… but there are choices that can be made toward forestalling and/or hastening. To make best choices, allow soul guidance to precede when you proceed. That IS how healing works. Yet, therein is the challenge. That IS what it means to BE human. Suffering hardships as joys is the challenge for being in the present. Those are ways to heal, – Those are the ways of healings. Revel in them rather than begrudge them.