You see the signs of a greater reality everywhere once you start looking. That is how the brain is programmed—to notice what you have set the intention to see. But you are far more than the brain’s programming. All experience is arising in consciousness even without the brain. You know you are more than the body, so use this awareness to celebrate those moments when brain and body align with the higher purpose of LIFE—of expressing creativity and connection through cooperation, caring, and kindness.
You are so very loved.
How do I communicate with a passed away family member?
I would suggest starting off by picking up meditation. That generally helps build up your own energy pools and slowly unlock the perception of the non-physical reality. If you can access them, from what I remember, Suzanne has a few meditation videos on Youtube that are a pretty good start.
Because you’re trying to contact someone who has passed away, focus in particular on the heart chakra and the third eye chakra. It helps to visualize a bright green luminous fluid flowing spiralling into the heart area, and an indigo luminosity flowing into your forehead.
A couple of things to be mindful of, your sister might need time to recover, or be otherwise occupied, so achieving communication might take longer in those cases. Also, make sure, if and when contact occurs, that it’s really your sister you’re talking to, using your intuition and clarity of perception – occasionally unwanted actors are drawn instead of the people we want to meet.
Best regards!
Hello Erina, just ask them. Request that the family member communicates with you.
Here is a more formal outline based on what Suzanne teaches:
State your intention.
Ask for a sign, symbol, word, scent, positive emotion or tactile feeling that you would know as being from them.
1. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes.
2. Clear your mind and be at peace (to the best of your ability at that time).
3. Inhale then exhale slower than your inhale. Repeat 3 times.
Inhale gently through your nose feeling belly expand then exhale gently through your mouth at a slower rate than you inhaled. Breath out like you are softly blowing on a floating feather, one of the soap bubbles that children play with, or blowing on a candle flame. Repeat the inhale and exhale 3 times, or more if you like.
4. Sit in peace for 3 minutes or more if you are comfortable with it and have the time. No force is required, just acceptance.
You may receive a communication during that time or it may come about during your day or week. Keep in mind the experience will be unique unto you. You may hear their voice in your head and think it’s your own but you know their personality and have your own unique memories and shared personal history. If they communicate during the time (what communicate means to you) it may be subtle.
A personal experience using one of Suzanne/ Sanaya’s practice techniques on a youtube video. I did the practice and nothing happened during the practice. As I was driving down the highway one afternoon, I took 3 breaths in the pattern mentioned above with my eyes open and asked my Dad who passed to give me a sign. I was relaxed and driving 60 mph/ 96 kph and fairly instantaneously the feather symbol from inside Led Zeppelin’s 4th album popped in my head. I said “well this is B.S.”. Don’t ever remember my Dad liking that music group especially as loud as I would play their music. So I had no expectations that anything would come of it.
The next morning I was sitting on my steps outside and the neighbors little dog came over with a chicken feather in it’s mouth. A big chicken feather, with just the quil end in its mouth and a long feather hanging out looked at me then sat down as I petted it on the head. I thanked my Dad. When I finally got up to go inside kind of mesmerized by the whole experience, the dog stood and placed the feather at the bottom of the steps in the pathway that I walk. There was nothing that unique about chicken feathers here or the neighbors dog coming over to get petted at that time. The symbol, timing of it and the fact that the dog never walked around with a feather in it’s mouth was unique unto me. So it was definitely not an exact match to the symbol received but I knew it was for me. Suzanne would lable this as a NOE, No Other Explanation. Your experiences will be your own and personal to you as well. There is no need to force it or “make it fit” with someone elses ideas.
If “communicate” means you have something to communicate to your family memeber, then by all means do so. You are already connected at the soul/ spirit and they already know your thoughts and feelings and love you without judgement, without any conditions or requirements.
A medium was cpeaking to an audience one time and a lady’s family member came through. The women was grief stricken, heart broken and barely able to function. Her family member came through and said to her “why are you so sad about the little amount of time I spent passing when we shared 20 plus great years together? Think about those times.”
I love you and hope something written here can be of help to you.
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
Scott H.
P.S. I do not recommend driving while doing the above exercise. While a relaxed, meditative or trance state can help facilitate communication, it is not always necessary.
Thank you for replying, also can I ask u to share the YouTube video from which you tried the meditation…
You are most welcome Erina. I shared the youtube hyperlinks in reply to your post on August 19, but they did not make it past the websites moderator. So I will share a few of the video titles and dates posted below. Please be aware that if youtube social media is still blocked in your location, it would be best to use the “Gifts” drop down menu at the top of this web page. Click “Gifts” and from the drop down menu go to “HELP YOU CONNECT WITH SPIRIT” then click “VIEW NOW” under that header. The videos and audio used to be embedded on the website but no longer are. Scroll down the page to “SIP Of The Divine”. You should still be able to download the MP3 from Sound Cloud where it is stored. You can stream/ listen to it there. If you would like to download it to a personal device from Sound Cloud, there is a menu under the player, click “more” and a download will be listed. Two more titles I would recommend on the “Gifts” page would be “Making The Connection” MP3 and “BLESS ME Method” instruction sheet. The BLESS ME Method is a longer and more thorough form of the SIP Method. If you want to a have a little fun and can do so with playfulness and curiousty, follow you own intuition or ask you guides/ angels/ sister to select something on the page. If you’re in a more serious mood than SIP and Bless Me are more direct.
The youtube titles can be found on the “Suzanne Giesemann – Message Of Hope” channel under Videos:
1. How Do Spirit Guides Communicate With Us? Dated 4 years ago, Aug. 7, 2020 Length 4:51
2. Signs From Angels, Guides and Loved Ones; What If You Aren’t Getting Them? Dated Dec. 10, 2021
Length 7:46 Contains some of the same info as 1 above.
3. Transformation In Three Minutes a Day with SIP of the Divine. Dated 3 years ago, April 27, 2021
Length 10:31. Suzanne explains how to do the exercise and then does the 3 minute exercise around 6:04 into the video so you can practice with her.
4: Suzanne Giesemann’s BLESS ME Method. Dated 5 years ago, April 24, 2019 Length 20:35
If you can access youtube and have the ability to copy and paste, it may be more efficient to copy the titles above one at a time and paste them into youtube’s search bar. If you are unable to sit or have limited mobility, they can be done laying on a bed, couch, floor, etc., or any body position that works for you. Sitting in a comfortable position is what is recommended. If you can become proficient with the Bless Me Method, it can be the fastests route, simply a matter of taking a breath or just thinking about it. Like typing or any other skill set, it takes some practice and consistency. I realize that living in a predominantly Sunni community may impose some social constraints or challenge indoctrinatend belief systems so framing things in acceptable terms like Angels and Miracles may be useful. If you are familiar with Patanjali’s Sutras the terms Abhyasa and Vairagya (or in English) practicing with perseverance and detachment from the outcome can be a most useful way to go about it. Some practice sessions will be better than others, be easy about it and loving to yourself always. Have you have ever misplaced something imortant to you, keys, money, mail or something meaningful to you and searched all over for it only to end up frustrated and gave up? Then you decide to let it go and take a break when seemingly out of no where you remember where it was or it just seems to show up? That letting go or space of detachment, a change in the state of consciousness is sometimes what it takes. I’ve done it with my phone. keys, etc., then take a breath, detach emotionally, ask for guidance “Where is my phone?”, and most of the time it’s inevitably found with relative ease. What I did in the experience with the feather shared above was a simple way and I was detached from any outcome. The concepts themselves could have been guided. A hodgepodge recipe made up on the spot whose ingredients and elements can be found in the resources listed above. And it’s only one example. A search your own personal history will likely yield many of your own :)
My apologies for being overly wordy, though it should provide you with some accurate and detailed results.
I will attempt to add the direct hyperlinks to Suzanne’s videos in the next reply. They may be automatically blocked as a safety feature to prevent unscrupulous actors from running scams or taking advantage of those emotionally vulnerable while grieving.
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
Scott H.
Thanks for all the efforts, I really appreciate it 🙏… I’ll check the videos now
You are most welcome Erina and Asma. And we thank Suzanne for hosting the website. If none of what I suggested above is producing results, try the first thing I wrote. I will elaborate further below and list some other potential resources. What most people really want to know when someone close to them passes is that thier family member, loved one or friend is okay. When overwhelmed with the emotions of the experience, the practices on the videos may not be accessible or seem an exercise in futility. You may hear or read that “you are blocking the communication” when in reality you/ we go through our own grieving/ emotional process.
The videos can be likened to curry. Some ingredients you may like, others, not so much or not at all. I will share some more about curry below that you may want to read. The first thing I wrote requires no intermediaries, no special state of consciousness, no heroes journey of tasks, rituals or challenges to go through or overcome to receive, and any emotional state you may be in will do. It may read as too simple, foolish or dumbed down to possibly work. Just ask them. Directly. Like this. “Please give me a sign that you are okay”. I will do it with you or for you too. “Asma, please give Erina a sign or communication that you are okay”. “Thank you”. I will list a few more suggestions or resources for readings below, but first, that curry recipe.
On a major holiday here known as Christmas my Dad passed away. I had just returned from the medical facility where he was to his house when the call came at 10:30 PM (22:30). I called my sister and brother to let them know and went back to where he was to begin the processes of identification and paperwork we go through here in the US when someone dies. Then drove back to his house where I was staying. When a family member dies, it changes our place in the world. This was before Suzanne’s stuff became available, but I knew of the techniques and processes a couple of decades before she started, NDE’s and I didn’t sleep at all that night, didn’t even try, had no appetite. The very common symptoms of trauma and experiences people go through during such an event.
Christmas day I went for a walk on a beach across a waterway on an island that he lived on at one time. I would sometimes see pods of dolphins jumping in the ocean or riding in the waves while walking on the beach. Being a holiday, everything was closed. I parked at a fishing pier next to a restaraunt we used to go to and walked south of the pier. The beach was empty and right my feet in the path of where I was walking was single white feather. Thinking it was a good, I took a photo of it with my old ipod touch. But the next morning at my Dad’s house everything had changed and I forgot about it. The morning after his passing being somewhat exhausted but still unable to sleep or eat, I decided to go to the beach. On the way there I thought it would be nice to see some dolphins in memory of my Dad so I went to a larger beach further down the island at a State Park. The place was empty and I had the whole beach, the entire State Park all to myself. I asked my Dad to give me a sign that he was okay. I asked to see a dolphin. I spent quite a bit of time walking up and down the beach but no dolphins came. I had to use the restroom, they were locked because the park was closed even though the gates to the parking lot were open. I wanted to stay and see a dolphin but needed to use a bathroom more. Interestingly, while I was sitting here typing this on an old laptop the music app came on without my opening it and started playing Mediumship: Making The Connection HemiSync so I’ve been listening to it while typing this. Will explain ITC later. Will finish the post later in a Part 2 if any of it makes it past the moderators. It’s noon here and need to get to the store.
Wishing you and your loved ones all the best,
Scott H.
part 2. Kindly pardon any typo’s, partial sentences, errors and omissions on all of the above. I’m typing and posting as I go without proofreading.
So I left the beach at the State Park not seeing any dolphins and drove about 3 miles/ 5K to the beach where I took the photo of the feather the day before. It’s a community beach with bathrooms and resources for swimmers to rinse off sand from swimming in the ocean, open year round unless there’s a hurricane or tropical storm. I parked near the restaurant, Freddie’s, again and started walking North of the Fishing Pier to use the restroom. I glanced to my right and noticed they had installed new swings along the boardwalk that would hold a 2-3 people, a couple with a small child. They had a beautiful view of the Atlantic Ocean across the sand dunes. On the top beam of the very first swing was a wooden plaque of a dolphin. I thought “Wow! There it is!” grabbed my ipod touch and took 11 quik photos and thanked my Dad. I went and used the restroom and on the way back to the car, stopped and sat on that swing looking out at the ocean for awhile enjoying the presence of memories shared with Dad. I felt a little disappointed that no actual live dolphins came. And felt a little ashamed for feeling that disappointment, after all I asked to see a dolphin and even though it was plaque on a new swing that wasn’t there the last time I visited, it was a dolphin that I requested to see as a sign that my Dad was okay. And for that, I was very grateful.
I left and returned to my Dad’s house to the onslaught of incoming phone calls, neighbors and friends stopping by to offer condolences. Later in the afternoon I decided to take a break from all of that when things were settling down and before the evening surge when family would arrive. I decided to put the photos of the dolphin from earlier onto my laptop. I hadn’t actually looked at the photos other than through the screen when quikly taking them. The old ipod touch’s have an offset lens like 4G and 5G phones. When the photos finished uploading, I opened the 1st one. There was something that wasn’t visible and beyond my awareness when taking them. Off in the distance in the sky below the dolphin were two clouds and what at first looked like a contrail from a plane. I zoomed in to make sure. There was a clear monofiliment fishing line on top of the swing. Perhaps for hanging Christmas decorations? It wasn’t a contrail. A leftover strand of the fishing line was hanging down at the perfect angle being brilliantly illuminated by the sun. The top part of the strand is in the shade of the swings beam. With the two clouds it looks exactly like a lower case letter “d”. I was astounded and in somewhat of a state of disbelief. I opened the next photo, the luminous strand that made the “d” had been blown by the gentle sea breeze out of the way, the clouds still there looking like a lower case “a”. I did not see any of this when I was there taking the photos of the dolphin plaque or walking over to sit on the swing. I opened the third photo, to use language Suzanne would approve of on her website, I said HOLY SHIFT! The luminous strand was back making the letter “d”. I was awestruck, dumbfounded and overcome by one of the deepest feelings of gratitude I have ever experienced in my life. Any little sense of shame I have felt earlier was obliterated. As I opened the rest of the photos, overcome with profound gratitude and awe, tears streaming uncontrolably down face, this pattern in the sky below the dolphin plaque repeated over and over… d a d… on each photo before softly fading off on the last two photos. I am still overcome with emotion everytime I think about. Thank you Dad, thank you Erina, Asma and Suzanne. I have copies of the photos on this laptop and attemped to add one to this post to no avail. Your sign or communication may not be exactly what you ask for, like a little dog with a big feather sticking strait out the front of it’s mouth, a wooden plaque on a swing, a stray strand of fishing line, clouds in the sky, an orange stripped cat… When you get your sign or communication, you will know beyond any doubt. And what others think will not matter. Oh, and the curry recipe. The name of the beach where this happened was Kure Beach in Wilmington, North Carolina. What most including myself the first time there pronounce as “Cure” the locals pronounce as “Curry Beach”. And the recipe for that Curry experience is simply to ask for a sign or communication to let you know they are okay.
Other Resources:
If you still want a mediumship reading your safety and an honest reading are of the greatest importance. Usually, it’s not advisable to put someones full name or relationship to us online in an open forum regarding readings. There are scammers out there looking to make money and can look up that info on a search engine. An evidential medium won’t necessarily need it before a reading. During a reading it can be used to validate what is coming through (evidence). The following are only my suggestions and not endorsed by Suzanne unless specified. I am not affiliated with Suzanne and have no monetary interest in any of this. I simply have a broad knowledge of the subject, some of her former teachers and historical methodologies.
Suzanne has a youtube video to help discern titled:
The Top Ten Things To Question In A Mediumship Reading.
Suggestion 1. Write to the contact admin of this website and ask if Suzanne has any students who may want to do a practice reading. Suzanne has taught her skill sets to hundreds if not thousands of people. Students or those wanting to practice will usually provide free readings to gain experience. The administrator may answer no, but it may be worth a try.
For the following you will need zoom to participate in free readings. I should specify you may have the potential to have a reading because they are done in a group format. Also, the times these are offered may conflict with your schedule or time zone.
Suggestion 2 can be found on youtube: Helping Parents Heal. Endorsed by Suzanne. Gives free gallery readings and has a list of prequalified mediums that have been tested and meet the standards of the organization. You may need a facebook account to access the free zoom gallery readings. Website info can be found on thier youtube channel along with past gallery readings that you can view to see if it’s right for you or want to pursue.
Suggestion 3 can be found on youtube: Sandra Champlain and We Don’t Die Radio. Offers free readings in what is known as the traditional Spiritualist movement or Spiritualist Church. This is the format of Suzanne’s first teacher and the first reading Suzanne gave. They do what are called platform readings where they stand in front of an audience and bring evidential information from those who have passed through. The audience members receiving a reading are usually instructed to confirm information by answering yes, no, maybe or I don’t know. The website can be found on the youtube page, zoom is needed to attend and the readings are done every Sunday, New York Time Zone. You can also view past Sunday Gatherings to see if this would be appropriate for you.
Suggestion 4: These are not free readings but inexpensive evidential mediumship readings compared to prices here in the US by qualified tutors in the Spiritualist tradition. If you have no money skip this one. If you have some financial resources to work with this may be for you. Zoom is needed and booking is only accessible through it’s website. I believe Suzanne (according to Janet Nohavoc) did here advanced training here and I know she worked with Mavis both of whom have passed. Use a search engine and enter Arthur Findlay College (.org). The tutors there do half hour evidential readings called “Private Sittings Online” currently priced at 45 brittish pounds. They offer a refund if the reading/ sitting is not working for you in the first 10 minutes. Read the details on the website if interested.
Suggestion 5. ITC = Instrumental Transcommunication. This takes many forms most of which are free if you already have the technology. Radios, Televisions, Telephones, Text, Computers, Tablets, etc. Suzanne has a youtube video of this phenomenon as it’s happening to her on a laptop, I am too tired to look for it right now (my apologies) but it should still be available on youtube. The message that came through in the photos I took would also qualify as ITC. So would the experience that got me above when the music app started playing Making The Connection on it’s own while I was typing. ITC can be a rare phenomenon. Found the video. It’s on Suzanne’s youtube titled SPIRIT’S MESSING WITH MY LAPTOP! I know someone’s brother who received a text from his mother after she passed but he doesn’t believe in these things and disregarded it. A lady on youtube: Sonia Rinaldi Oficial does her own unique version of ITC and charges nothing for it. She’s in Brazil and though some is in English, most is in her native language of Portuguese. You would have to research her contact info and she probably has a waitlist. There are old recordings of of a wife who had conversations through an analog radio with her husband that carried on for a few years. This may be a bit too esoteric or too far out there for most people, but it does happen and is possible. I believe Suzanne may be affiliated with a project through Arizona State Univeristy on the developement of a ITC phone. Found it: Soul Phone Foundation. I will be stopping here as it’s very late and I’m very tired.
A few ending notes… Suzanne used to have some fundraisers (channeling sessions) for different charities on her monthly meetings and those who couldn’t afford to participate could join in for free by making a written request.. You may not be allowed to ask a personal question unless it serves the group as a whole but what you can do, if they still have them, is write down a question on a piece of paper or type it on a device and keep it to yourself.. I’ve done this and at events held by others and more often then not, they question is answered without my ever asking it.
You may get a reading from Suzanne, it’s been known to happen. She may offer one just to get me to stop typing all of this nonsense hahaha, But if you are able to follow through with the original video practices, in the long run, you will get a lot more, Do whatever is most appropriate for you..
Thank you and I wish you and your loved ones all the best,
Scott H.
This is a situation where you might choose to go through Suzanne’s App, or thoroughly study her website to find that which you feel most helpful to your request. I do believe you will find what you need there because she has videos as well as written information there of the guidance you seek. Be patient with yourself and take a good look and listen to that which you find there in order to get results.
Other than that, if you have the finances and time to arrange taking a coarse with Suzanne, that might/or not take less time to achieve success, but i am assuming you do already realize that.
Thanks 👍