What’s in a name? Why, it carries a vibration all its own, as does every word, thought, and deed. Do you feel that your name “fits” you? Did it fit you from the beginning or did you grow into it? At times a name takes on meaning that you or others ascribe to it. Why do certain names come in and go out of vogue? For, like all else, life is about change. The funny thing is that you as a human go through much change. Yes, even your soul grows along with the human choices you make, yet your name in human form does not change. We caution you, therefore, to not identify yourself so closely with your name. It is not the real you. All of you, in fact, carry the same name. You use your human name to differentiate yourselves in this lifetime, but for all eternity each of you is none other than I AM.
I found an old journal from years ago where I had written over and over I AM. I now know why.