I found an internet spot, so … from Sanaya:
God does not dole out favors. God does not sit on a throne. Most importantly, God does not judge nor condemn. God IS. Spirit is the causative force of consciousness, and this Force is infinitely wise and infinitely loving. Were it not so, you would not even exist.
If God does not judge others, then why do you? It is because the lower, human aspect of yourself, which you do call “ego” needs to prove your existence. The ego proves its importance by showing its separation. By judging another, ego says, “Look at me! I am better than that one. I am superior.” But Spirit does not judge. There is no need for Spirit to prove separation or superiority. Do you see how frivolous this would be? It would be as if saying, “I am superior to myself!”
There is naught but Spirit—Infinite Loving Consciousness—and you are an aspect of that. When you, at the level of Consciousness, finally grasp this most basic concept of Life, the need to judge disappears and is replaced with compassion for all. You may sit back and observe differences, but you do so always with compassion instead of judgment. This, beloved friends, is Love in action.
A beautiful message of oneness… We are Spirit, we are Love, and we are connected with All That Is. Let go of ego and feel our oneness to experience compassion.
May we see others as an extension of ourselves as we send love to our world today and always…
Very Nice…
"Observe the differences in one another but do so with compassion".