Does a heart cell get angry with a brain cell for not being a heart cell? Does a cell in a lung disdain a liver cell for doing what liver cells do? They do what they are here to do, fulfilling their purpose with no judgment of the other cells, and thus they cooperate and serve the whole. Some of you came here to focus on one aspect of humanity. Others have different roles and focuses for the species. When you can see each other as cells in the one body of God, perhaps you will flow better as a whole.
You are so very loved.
It’s one thing to play different roles, it’s another thing to lose those roles and their own true self along the way.
I have followed you for years. Your work helped reshape my life. I was shocked in your interview with Danny Morel on The Higher Self when he asked who was President on 9-11 and you seemed to imply you were with President. Bush on Airforce 1 that day and that it was his first time on Airforce 1. I have heard your account of that day many times and never heard you make such an historically incorrect statement before. Please clarify asap.