There are certain things you wish to do that you know may be enjoyable in the short term, but they may not be completely aligned with your greatest and highest good in the long run. And yet, you do them anyway. And when you do, perhaps you feel regret, or perhaps not. Perhaps it was not as enjoyable as you envisioned. Or perhaps it was, yet it comes with repercussions. In any case, you have, as you say, gotten it out of your system.
You are here for the fullness of the human experience. This involves trying new things, pushing the envelope from time to time. The goal is to have the experience and learn from it, and to do no harm along the way. Yes, humans learn by trial and error. Go for it, learn, adjust. Love yourself through all of it for having the courage and strength—gifts of the soul—to be human.
You are so very loved.
When regret causes fear, the value of the lesson is hugely reduced.