
I have enhanced the format of The Monthly Connection to bring you MORE of what you’ve been asking for: Extended time for Q&A, healing meditations, longer channeling from Sanaya, in addition to the wows and the evidence from spirit! In this session of the Monthly Connection, I share stories of those who experienced healings in their own life after they participated in the healing meditation I channeled in my New Year’s Eve video “She Was Healed by Archangel Michael” ( I also have a HUGE AHA that will make a noticeable difference in the energy flow through your body. Have you played the SIGN GAME lately? I share a fun way to take this helpful decision-making tool to a new level. And, what if, instead of the same old “New Year, New You” resolutions, you took a NEW approach to stepping off on the right foot? I’ll share my own new year’s INTENTIONS and prompt you to do the same.

The Monthly Connection promises healing stories, spiritual insights, and the knowing that we are never alone. 💞


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