You are likely carrying far more stress than you know. What do we mean by carrying? When you pick up a heavy object, you hold your breath. Muscles tense to handle the burden. Do you not realize you do the same thing with heavy thoughts and mental tasks? The breath is held. The muscles tense. You need a reset. Pause often, why don’t you, and take a long, slow breath, most especially emphasizing the exhale. Rest there after emptying the lungs and attune to the musculature. Release, release, release. Aah. Indeed, this is the pause that refreshes. Happy new year, dear ones.
You are so very loved.
Profound messages. I love it and u speak with sooo much love and affection with what you do. I love your Archangel Michael Podcast. Really motivating and soooo real.
We all stress so easily and are so easily provided with “reasons” to stress when in fact we only need realize that which we can be, …to do something, …to improve the situations. We must be brave and truthful, rather than manipulative and deceitful; we must honour, not overrun, we need love, not war, we need each other, including those with whom we easily war. Stress can so easily cause us to veer in wrong directions. Stress is the peace you deny life. It does you no good until you turn and face it full on. Then can your guides nudge you back on track.
When you cannot find a way to be loving, you are somewhat ‘lost’… so wait… …look in and around you… until you find your way. It will “come-to-you”, giving way to love over stress. Make that the practice upon each stress.