You say that crowds drain you. Well, of course they do if you say this, for in so saying, you constrict, and in so constricting, the natural flow of the Force that breathes you constricts as well. You breathe more shallowly. The muscles contract. You cease to flow, even though Source is naught but flow.
When in a crowd or a situation where others want something from you, give to them what they want: flow. That flow is Love, and it is given freely from above and below. You need do nothing except remain open and allow Love to flow through you, eternally replenishing you and them.
All is One, dear one. It is only when you see yourself as separate drops instead of the ocean that you make an effort to stand apart. Be the drop and the ocean at the same time and you cannot be drained.
You are so very loved.
Not to be confused with a “drop” being “human mode” and the “ocean” being everyone else.
Here Sanaya speaks of the spiritual “drop”, being the soul, and the “ocean” being the oceans of souls, be they incarnate or not.
I am not saying that there is no relationship of a drop possibly being in human mode, but the ocean is never in what we have called “human mode.” The ocean is always in soul mode.