There is likely some person or animal companion who you love or have loved without condition. Yes, they had their perceived so-called faults, yet you accepted these as part of their being and loved them fully. Tell us, why can you not do this for all beings? The answer is quite clear: for there is a difference between human and divine love. Now do you see that you face a choice? You have a choice. You make a choice to love or to fear. It is that simple, dear one, and from the perspective of those who bring you these words, you are so very loved. Now, will you help us be messengers and transmitters of the same? Indeed: You are so very loved. If all humans remembered this choice in perspective, it would be far easier to find the peace and joy that never leave you.
To be human… when you honestly look inside your life, don’t you realize that you have always known there exists within you (as Sansya says) “the peace and joy that never leaves you.”? Wasn’t there always something, even a candle-glow of that warmth always in your awares.
But some of us, at times, compare the world in which we live to that perfect peace and joy. That can become a huge problem if we do not keep an honest balance in the realization that our individual views are not nearly all the views that exist, even when we are speaking of the exact same things. Hence the world can seem to become a tiny miserable space under certain circumstances. We’ve all likely heard people says that they ´would never volunteer to come back’ to this earthly life. .We have all known of people who decide to “step-out” of this life “earlier” than necessary. These choices are sometimes made when their candlelight meant not nearly enough to them and, the miserable feelings they had meant far too much to feel warmth from outside of their own hearts. Comparisons can be the looming disguise keeping us from pure peace and joy.
Remind yourselves how very fortunate you are that you became a seeker because you shall indeed find.
Excellent as always. Mom said in her final days “there is only Love!”