Not everything is emotional. Your cravings or bad moods may have physical causes. Are you over-tired? Stressed in some physical way? Yes, of course spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical are all interlinked, but at times your cravings and less than positive feelings stem from the physical. Be aware that often when all you want to do is lie down, what will benefit you most is the opposite: a gentle walk and some fresh air. The body needs nurturing and movement. Stretch the fibers so that movement can better occur. Listen to your body before you sedate it with food or drink and you may well find yourself desiring less of the latter. You are so very loved.
At one point i realized i had gotten behind, stopped improving my understandings, denied myself the “headspace” to relax and the heartspace to look where it mattered most.
Then – i went in the total opposite method of living. I sat, i studied, i read, i watched, i documented, i thought …etc., and my body became “stiff as a board”, and i became unhappy. (Unhappy about THAT only but yea – unhappy). There was nothing for it but to change the way i was doing things. It is true when ‘they say’ you cannot expect your ways to change if you keep doing the same things.