Clouds pass through the sky. They take on various shapes that remind you of loved ones who have passed. Can you see that this is their palette? Picture them using consciousness to gently blow the clouds into a meaningful picture … a heart, an angel, a howling wolf … and draw your consciousness at just the right moment to receive this most important message. Yes, this message is for you today, to let you know that not only does love never die, but that all of you are part of a creative consciousness that cooperates to send you messages in the most magical of ways. You are so very loved.
I had lived out west. When mum passed, i came back east, home, to spend time with dad, hopefully to soften the blow to what was once his normal days.
We decided to visit a brother in yet another town close-by. The visit went well though the melancholy was present within us all. That’s ok though. It’s often par for the course that can actually help us survive the dramas if it is not played upon.
On our way home, we were somewhat quiet in ways yet enjoyed the huge fields of sunflowers as we passed through countryside.
Suddenly i felt the calm resigned love of my mother. Natural to me, i looked to the sky for a message in clouds but the beautiful sky was solid clear blue: Not a speck of white.
“I feel mum near dad”. I looked toward him. He shrugged, shook his head.
“She IS dad… I’m sure of it” yet i felt a tinge of desperation while searching for “the sign.
When turning somewhat onto a leftward bend, i twisted myself around to face from where we came. There it was. The letters “H” and “I” printed from that side of hers, backwards to our side.
“Dad, stop the car, its there, look behind us before it drifts away”.
But his melancholy was too deep for happiness to be believable. But that’s okay. Mum will get to him sooner than later. She was always a big believer and a steadfast proof her beliefs were as she Knows them to be.
She will get to him, often, till he can no longer deny her presence. That i Knew. And dad actually did too, somewhere in there… …he just wasn’t ready… to share joy even in a shallow space with the waters just under his nose. That’s okay… for now. He’ll get there.