When you are knocked off balance by an experience with another, there is a lesson there. Family provides the most intense experiences, for you have memories stored away in your energetic field connected with strong emotions and chemical reactions. When a family member does a thing that upsets you or perhaps when they are suffering, you wonder why others around you are not as upset as you are. It is for the same reason that you do not become as aroused when the same situation arises in others’ families. You do not have a history or a her-story. It is the stories, the repeated dramas and chemical experiences that create the angst.
When the stories threaten to overwhelm you, rise above the drama to the level where there are no stories—where all are one. Ask, “What part of our interaction is causing me angst? What am I afraid of losing?” Is it real at a soul level, or is it part of a story that all humans tell? See your loved ones and yourself with the same compassion as you see others’ his-stories and her-stories and find greater peace.
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