The web, the web, the web. Understanding that you are interconnected with all that is, perhaps when you focus tightly on your connection with one other and wonder why your story together unraveled the way it has, you will not be so quick to place blame or feel shame. There are far-reaching effects of every choice and every occurrence. In the case of a soul’s departure from the body, instead of asking why, perhaps ask to see the bigger picture of the opportunities for growth and greater love that result from this beloved one’s part in the web.
You are so very loved.
I wanted to thank Suzanne (and team) for putting out the podcasts on CHristmas eve – Evidence from Archangel Michael and She was healed by Archangel Michael. I was diagnosed with left breast cancer on 12/11 I immediately knew it was a gift somehow – just wasn’t sure how it would go… I had operation on 25th November. I felt/saw my mother (who passed many years ago) as I came out of the anaesthetic. Had some beautiful connections with living relatives immediately after surgery. Then hit a brick wall of depression, no matter what I now or have done in the past, I could not lift myself/feel gratitude or anything. I read Wolf’s message, listened to the podcast on Christmas Eve, but didn’t manage to do the meditation until about 3am on 31/12. I realised how much better I felt yesterday as I had been really physically suffering until then. This morning (about 1am UK time) I listened to the most recent podcast/you tube video. Oh boy! Did that resonate…. Breast cancer being about lack of self worth/love… It has given me such a push to really start finding a way to loving myself, allowing myself to, and allowing myself to receive love, and move forward in my life. I just wanted to say thank you much gratitude. I hope this gets to Suzanne somehow, because I am extremely grateful. ❤️🙏❤️
Dear Suzanne,
I also want to thank you for your moving and soul stirring Archangel Michael videos. Thank you for being such a beautiful conduit for Spirit.
This morning I was reading Edgar Cayce’s book, Meditation, Prayer & Affirmations, and found the following passage from a reading he gave on November 2, 1937:
” (Q) What is the meaning of the white lightning I have seen?
(A) That awakening that is coming. More and more as the white light comes to thee, more and more will there be the awakening. For as the lights are in the colors: In the green, healing; in the blue, trust; in the purple, strength; in the white, the light of the throne of mercy itself. Ye may never see these save ye have withheld judgement or shown mercy.”
Needless to say, this passage brought thoughts of you and Archangel Michael’s/Spirit’s loving blue light.
Sending you love, blessings and light.❤
I just watched “She Was Healed by Archangel Michael”. Thank you for sharing these photos on YouTube. The Light is so beautiful! During the healing meditation, I received numerous bolts of shakti energy.
Love and Light to you all!