“I don’t know what to do,” you wail, and we understand. Now, instead of wailing to no one in particular, wail to the One that people turn to when distressed. “Oh, God, help me,” you might wail. And then, if you will let of any concept of a God who only helps those who are worthy of it or earn it in some way, you will be just that much closer to understanding. Embrace not understanding. Embrace not knowing what to do, and sit quietly, asking the One to provide insights. It is a journey, and as long as you stay only on familiar roads, you may continue wailing. Know that you are not alone on this journey and that you are so very loved.
Venture out of the horizons you have set for yourself, for those need not be, nor are horizons limited to your understandings. There are great things in store for each of us; all in accordance to our capabilities and our desires. Chosing honourably is chosing wisely but alas, a human does not always do the honourable “thing”. That is something from which humans learn. It is also how they learn what honourable means so let each other make the choices they may well need to make, simply to learn. There is nothing that demands you need be part of another’s process… though you may choose to be. There is Wisdom to be found in all manner of situations. Some folks even enjoy “collecting” wise bits, yet adhering to all wisdom, is a station to which humans are not always readily inclined. And, being human will passibly be par for the coarse, as it is par for the course. It will all become a step in the right direction… eventually. Know that.