You have your traditions. Each one comes with rituals which may include special decorations that come out of boxes and go back into the boxes as each season of rituals and celebrations passes. Rituals are good as they hold the energy that surrounds traditions, and your holidays most certainly come with their traditions. Why do you hold the holidays and your traditions and rituals so near? For the connectedness they bring. They touch the soul, which knows only connection. Do not worry that those who have passed are no longer part of your traditions. They live on, not as a memory, but as a part of the web that makes up the very fabric of your rituals.
You are so very loved.
the fabric is like a soul flowing around is there.
Thank you very much Suzanne for this beautiful message.My first son was killed several years ago leaving my heart in profound pain and sadness. Is very comforting to know he’s not just a memory. He’s part of the web that Iam., always with me.
My large family left little to no room for “fancies”, but mom made sure we always had a tree… with a very few “pretty” decorations and one, i thought particularily ugly and tacky celebratory pretense.
Big family get-to-gethers are all but over now. But i still so enjoy a tree, and the lights, and yes, “pretty” decorations. Every year i try to buy ine new one in thrift store.
You’re not gonna believe it, but a few years back, guess what i bought? Yup… an identical decoration to that “ugly” one mom always had. Can you believe it?…AND, It is a powerfully heartwarming little trinket. It goes front and centre, for good reason. Im still reeling from the sweetness poverty gave through mum’s efforts.
Thank you for that. traditions do bring back the memories of departed loved ones and are very precious because of that ?????
Thank you Suzanne, I needed to hear this today.