Did you have to learn to dance, or did it come innately? It depends upon how you are viewing the dance. If the two-step or a waltz, you had to learn one-two-three, one-two-three and where exactly to put your feet, how exactly to place your hands. And if you do not get it right, why your partner may cry, “ouch” as you step on some toes. Life is like that. You step on some toes when you do not dance according to the rules. But is there not a sort of free style that can be just as enjoyable where you simply flow to the music as your heart and soul guide you? Yes, life is like that, too. There is a time for each style, and oh, the joy in this. Choose your style. One dance floor.
You are so very loved.
Love how Beautiful this is written.
Thank you @???
Thanks for all you do and share! I came across your YouTube channel a few weeks ago as I was interested in listening to stories about connecting with loved ones across the veil. There is so much on your channel that I have already come to believe over the past several years. I often talk to my dad who passed, and sometimes feel his presence or communication back. I had always believed that mediumship was a gift that a person was born with, I never thought that perhaps it is something I could develop until I came across your channel. I also never thought that I may have a “team” of guides that were helping me.
I decided to reach out and ask my guide if he / she had a name. And I also asked for evidence. After a few minutes a picture of a man speaking a different language came into my mind. I wasn’t sure what the language was at first, but the longer I listened I came to realize it was Russian or Ukrainian. And then I had an impression of the name Boris.
I kinda laughed.. and was disappointed. I thought for sure that had either made this up in my mind or that my dad had put this image in my mind as a joke. But I remembered that I had asked for evidence so I gave it a chance to see if anything came up later. I did a few googled searches and nothing came up.
Well, the next day I was in your channel again (not looking for anything in particular), and one of the videos, you mentioned the first time that you had channeled a guide and you spoke in a deep Russian accent. At that point I had never seen any of your videos mentioning or showing a channeling. I thought that a guide with a Russian accent was a strange coincidence. So from there, I did a google search.. I googled suzanne giesemann Russian guide. And low and behold, I came across a document from 2015,mentioning a channeling of a Russian spirit guide named Boris! I was completely surprised, but it helped me to know thad that impression wasn’t just coming from my imagination, it was real. I felt like I needed another confirmation, so I asked for that again. That same day my daughter wanted to watch a movie called Ron’s Gone Wrong with me. In the movie, one of the characters has a thick slavic accent. And just I thought of Boris, the character in the movie mentioned an uncle Boris who had passed.
I am still in the baby phases of connecting to those across the veil. I have no idea if we have the same spirit guide or if it was merely a confirmation to me that I was on the right path.
I actually had a visual picture in my mind if what Boris looked like in a physical form. And have since found a picture of a Russian Boris who passed about 20 years ago. I’m still working on connecting to understand if he chooses to come across as this way or was indeed this person in one of his incarnations. I also wonder if we were ever connected in life.
Either which way, it’s comforting knowing that there are loved ones and guides there. A Russian spirit guide was not at all what I was expecting! But I’ve since come to find his energy very endearing and fatherly.
Anyway, I just wanted to say hello and connect to let you know of that experience. Love to you!
How wonderful this is! Enjoy the journey!
This one is ready….I pray “ my” ability to finally be able to let go of that that is no longer “true” (beliefs, teachings, memories and feelings) that have kept me spiritually “stuck” has shifted and the longed for release is real. It may all be revisited, but without the “hook”. Perhaps this is a natural aspect of aging or maybe it’s because of MCI. I have little choice but to stay more in the moment. I love the peace and calm of NOW. Thank you for sharing your love with us. We are grateful. ??♥️??♥️??♥️
I just want to dance without having to show my Vacksport.
You can dance right now. Life is a dance, and it comes with some missteps, but dance here, dance now!