“Oh, Spirit, guide me every step of the way,
Every moment of the day.”
In this manner may you pray.
You are connected to all that exists.
Even the smallest of creatures subsists
From This.
This Power, this process, this ongoing flow
Operates in a way that you can’t possibly know
And yet you still grow.
Let go, let go. Let go and allow.
We are planting seeds that Spirit will plow.
You need not bow.
Stand tall. Step forth with confidence.
The world is spacious, far from dense.
It makes no sense.
See not, then, with the physical eyes.
These will lead you to confusion and lies.
It’s a great surprise …
To discover This that has always been here.
It’s a paradox, both far and near.
It is you, Dear.
Pull back the veil and take a peek.
Here you will discover what all others seek.
Yes, both the mighty and meek:
I AM. Feel the glow.
You take this with you wherever you go.
And This is all you need to Know.
You are so very loved.
I just, five minutes ago finished a meditative prayer that was this message…the connectivity of our Souls through spirit NEVER ceases to amaze me. We are so blessed to be aware of Spirit and our unity. So thankful for Suzanne and her team for creating this community of LOVE❤️❤️❤️
This rhyming message resonates with me as I have just completed and published a book of rhyming Angel Prayers which felt as if they were writing themselves when I was in the process of automatic writing. I hope others may benefit and enjoy these prayers as I’m sure they came from somewhere other than my mind. With blessings.
Ohhhh, I absolutely love (this) “This” on so many levels. Thank you so much Sanaya for (this)”This” and for nudging and guiding me to Suzanne who I could listen to all day, every day.
Oh how very beautiful!!! Thank you Sanaya and Suzanne!!! (I agree with Joan above-I can listen to Suzanne everyday all day. How blessed we all are!!!! The presence of Spirit is becoming more and more palpable each day. The “Veils” are thinning!! Never Fear!! Blessings, much love and light to ALL!!
Seeing todays poem, I thought you might be amused by this
The big bang, that’s when it all went wrong.
It was when you kicked us out,
All of us at once – and no warning.
You opened the door and you shouted
‘Out you go and don’t come back
Until you know what matters, who you are
And where you came from.”
You banged the door behind us
So hard, we were blown to kingdom come,
Out into the universe – yes all at once.
That was when it all went wrong.
“Till you remember who you are!”
How could we remember anything?
After a long time some of us
Ended up as earth, rock, lava,
Mountains, sand, soil, lake, sea, life –
Amoeba first, then fish. Till they crawled out
To become, after the first try, eventually
Spider, snake, eagle, wolf, whale, monkey,
Finally human, with big heads and little sense.
Yes that was when it all went wrong.
We’d forgotten – everything. We’d been happy
At home, all together, with Mum and Dad.
The day we left home you’d have said
We weren’t very promising material.
But see how we’ve all turned out,
A bit of everything, wonderful!
Only man got it wrong, went on ahead,
Learnt to think, thought without memory,
Presumed we were more important than others.
That was when it all went very wrong.
We forgot we are family, all of us,
Every last bit of us, not just the smiley,
Loveable, cuddly bits, but the ugly bits too.
We think too much and know nothing.
Trees know who they are, and flowers, grass,
Stars, the sun and moon remember.
It is easy not to feel at one with brother wasp!
As if that wasn’t bad enough we are even choosey
About who we see as two-legged brother, sister.
That’s when it all went wrong.
We went to live in the cities – and forgot
How a stream burbles its way through a valley,
The delicate green of the newly leafed birch tree,
An orchestra of bird song at sunrise,
Bumble bees among the cherry blossom,
Woods high on the scent of bluebells and wild garlic.
Gifts they are, wonders to open the heart –
Replaced by a visit to the shopping mall,
Or the sound of gunfire over the hill.
That was when it all went badly wrong.
Some humans forgot so completely
They float in a tough, hollow place, where
This world’s nothing but a tool to feed
Their dream of heaven – goodies,
Pleasure tickling, time eating goodies, power
Money, sex, more, more and always more.
Tenderness is a dirty word, cruelty the norm.
It’s hard to get out of a place like that
And harder still to want to, but they will.
That is when it all goes wrong.
When confident we’ve cracked the code, some of us
Feel ready to begin looking for the way back home.
Off we go with the sat nav and the postcode,
Only to find we are not alone. Take last week
Several of them found the street, Kingdom Come,
Post code in hand, met up looking for the same house.
They’d come from the far reaches of the earth,
From wilderness and the hubbub of modern life.
Began to talk, compare notes, share their story.
Oh dear, that was when it all went wrong.
Before long mayhem broke out. ‘Rubbish, it’s a joke.
You’ve got it wrong, wrong book, wrong teacher,
Wrong rules, wrong Dad, and why Mum?’
‘Anyway there’s only one Dad and it’s not yours.’
A few, thinking they’d found the house,
Rang the bell. No one answered. That did it.
It got really nasty. One man nearly died that day.
Granted it was the wrong house. A few gentle souls did
Make it home to Mum and Dad. Two made friends for life.
But lately more of us are getting it,
Getting the message, remembering who we really are.
Maybe it’s the story of the hundredth monkey,
Word has got around. Kingdom Come!
Wow! It’s become pretty busy in that street.
People have been seen walking together arm in arm,
Looking happy too. Maybe it’s the golden glow, the Light,
Which hangs around the area, draws them in,
Surprises them when they feel the Peace, feel the Love
As they come around the corner, find the door open.
A beautiful poem.. Times so perfectly!
Exactly the message my heart needed to feel.
I had to re-read this LOVE GIFT again today. It’s helping me LOVE ME. Thank you.