“I understand,” you say, but do you really? Have you thoroughly and completely entered the mind of the other? You can do so from a state of alignment and oneness, but most of the time in the world of time and space you are still imposing your own viewpoint and belief system—your own filters—upon your perceptions of the other. This is the human way. What is our point today? Look at the word “understand.” It connotes standing under something. Only by aligning with another, either under or above or within can you truly understand. Do not simply pay lip service and remain outside or to the side when one needs your understanding. Merge with their thoughts and emotions to the best of your ability and truly hear them. They will appreciate it, and you may just learn a great deal about yourself, about the other, and about Life. You are so very loved.
So often Sanaya (all spirit/soul realm actually) speaks to, and requires of us, to look into our own spirit/soul to really get more/deeper into what is really going on in our surroundings within AND beyond the “I”. Until each of us delve deeper into the within AS WELL AS the beyond, we cannot understand the miracles of either the within or the beyond. It’s like looking of what you are capable, and of what another is capable and sharing your capabilities together for the greater good.
We are able to see, worldwide, what guiding entities have insured, in a timely fashion, for (say) various types of discoveries, even THOUGH the so-called “discoverer” may or not have the greater good in mind. Thus we see the guidance from beyond. Yet also – As to the world within our selves, our faith will guide us, but even when we seem to lack faith, and have no empathy toward the greater good, we may eventually accept the fact that our guides have nudged us so often as to return to our faith and experience the joy of the greater good while knowing you/we ARE a part of the whole.
We all have “jobs” to do. The guides, you, and i, are a collective. God desires we be open and aware to that with love.
This message truly resonated with me Thank you for sharing
I am preparing to see my sister tody- her husbands funeral is tomorrow.This is helping me prepare myself to listen, understand and provide comfort. I am very grateful.
Grateful for the blessing via “words”, nudge back to alignment in peace where the answers are. I suppose I knew this all along ♥♥
Inspiring! thank you Suzanne