You, the soul, have taken on the opportunity of a lifetime: to live in a body that comes with programming … software, as you might call it. This programming causes you to automatically see separation and act to protect what seems to be a separate self. Did you know that you, the soul, do not die? Yes, it behooves you to protect the vessel, but the driver is eternal. Evolution—this journey you are on—is about upgrading and activating the software that is already installed. This software appreciates the self-protective mechanisms and also allows you to see how all is connected. This, dear one, is oneness. As you activate the latent parts of the body’s software, you will know it, for you will know naught but love.
You are so very cherished … so very loved.
We’re infinite spiritual beings having a human experience and right now is an exciting time to be here and feel the monumental shift in consciousness across the globe. Seeing an old system of control and greed in its last days!
Really eh! It is amazing how many are chomping at the bit for the shift to kick in universally in a big way. If we keep at it, which we do, we might even get to see this piece of the puzzle in its proper place.